Chapter 23

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*Rosie POV*

"Hey babe. Im gonna hang out with the boys today? Is that ok?" Dylan asked me and I nodded. He came over to me and kissed me then left. I called Grace. "Hey." She said. "Hey, Dyl is hanging out with the boys. Wanna hang?" I asked. "Yeah, be over soon. Can I bring Jacob?" "Yep! Ill invite Zach too." "Jacob! You can come." Grace yelled to him. "Can I ask Weston?" He asked, I blushed. "Can he?" Grace asked me. "Sure, thats fine." "Okay, bye. Be over in like five." She hung up and I for got to ask her a question.

Rosie- Twin?

Grace- Sure!

Rosie- Are batman and superman shirt?

Grace- Yass!

I put on my superman shirt, shorts, a heart necklace, my ring my mom gave me, a bow in my hair and red converse. I then called Zach. "Hey bae!" he yelled. "Hey! Come to my room! we are hanging out." I said. "Okay, bossy." I laughed and hung up. There was a knock, it was Grace, Jacob and Weston. Me and grace hugged. She was wearing a batman shirt, shorts, a yellow bow, the other ring my mom gave her, a sailor necklace and yellow converse. "Did you guys plan or is it like twin telepathy?" Weston asked. We both stared at him and he looked scared but then we started laughing. Then Zach came to the door and I pulled him in the room. "What are we gonna do?" Jacob asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked around. "We could go get some lunch then come back and watch a movie?" Zach asked and we nodded. We got up and walked to the elevators. "Where should we go to eat?" Zach asked. "Taco Bell?" Grace suggested. "Yeah, that's good." Jacob said and we nodded. We decided to just walk since we didn't want to pay or a taxi. The Taco Bell was only down the street anyway. We all ordered a burrito and just talked for a while.

Back at the hotel the boys and Grace decided to watch Insidious Chapter 3. I really didn't want to watch it but Weston and Zach insisted on protecting me. We sat at the foot of my bed and they were both next to me. I grabbed Zach's hand and he smiled, I was about to let go but then I didn't. Then Weston took my other hand and I hid under the covers.

*Grace POV*

Me and Jacob were cuddling on Dylan's bed. The movie started and I heard Rosie squeal I laughed and looked at Jacob, I was just now taking in his features. He was really cute, really cute. He looked at me and caught me staring, I looked down and he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I just then remembered that the last time I watched a horror movie was with Daniel. That night was great, we just laughed the whole time. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I sniffled and Jacob turned my face to look at him. He wiped a tear away and kissed my nose. "Don't cry, it'll be alright." And I believed him, I know everything will be alright. That was until Jacob crashed his lips on mine and kissed me.

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