Chapter 29

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*Rosie POV*

           Grace shook me awake. I hit her away and looked at Dylan, who was still sleeping. I smiled but stood up slowly. "Whats up with you and Jacob? Dylan said something." I said and she sat on my bed. "Oh yeah. He is leaving this tour to go on MAGCON, apparently so is Cameron." I nodded. "You know?" She asked. "Well Daniel is going so he told me." "Wait Daniel is going?" I nodded. "Should I say bye? I don't know if I should, I kinda want to but it might be a bad idea." "No you should definitely talk to him before he goes." She nodded and walked to the bathroom. There was a knock and I looked through it to see Zach and Jacob. I opened the door and Jacob pushed passed me. "Where is she?" He asked. "Bathroom." I pointed and he walked over there. "Why are you here?" I asked Zach. "Im just with Jacob, they are leaving, him, Cameron and Daniel." "Yep, I know. Im hungry but I don't want to wake up Dylan." I looked at Dylan and he started snoring. "Ill go with you. We could just go to the little place downstairs." I looked at Dylan again and nodded. We walked out of the room towards the lobby. 

*Grace POV*

            I was washing my face and putting on mascara when the door opened. I looked over at Jacob. "Why are you here?" I asked and looked away. "Im sorry I didn't tell you." "Its fine, Mark said you were just Hollywood anyway." "Mark said that?" I nodded and he grabbed my waist. "Jacob, stop." He just looked at me and didn't let go. "I will never forget about you. You guys are all my best friends, I could never leave any of you guys behind." "But you are." "You know what I mean." I nodded and he pulled me closer. "I have to go talk to Daniel. We have a show today you know?" He nodded his head and just stared at me still. "Im leaving right after." I put my arms around his neck. "I hope you find a nice girl Jacob." I pushed him away and went to talk to Daniel. "We have a show! I forgot!" Dylan yelled and ran to his luggage. I went to Daniels room and knocked, Cameron came to the door with a towel on. "You need to wear more clothes." I said laughing. He let me in and I saw Daniel on the bed, he immediately got up once he saw me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I wanted to wish you luck on going to MAGCON I guess. And say goodbye." He walked over to me. "Is it ok if I hug you now?" I nodded and laughed. He wrapped me in a big hug and I hugged back. I pulled away and nodded. "Well Im gonna head back and get ready for the show, bye!" I said and left. 


           We all walked into the venue and we were late so we had to get on stage. Daniel and Cameron sang and it was pretty good. The boys did their thing and I couldn't stop laughing. The fans loved it.


          Apparently all the boys were coming to the airport to say goodbye to Daniel, Jacob and Cam. We got there and automatically Rosie and Zach were playing the 'lava game' with the waiting chairs. Im pretty sure they called their flight because they started to get their luggage. Everyone was saying goodbye, Rosie and Cameron took a while to say bye. Jacob came up to me and I didn't even want to look at him but I know I needed to. "I know you will forgive me. I promise I won't go Hollywood. Im sorry." I looked at him and gave him a big hug. "I kinda like you." He whispered in my ear. "A goodbye kiss won't hurt." He said giving me puppy dog eyes. "You talk too much." I said and we laughed. He started giving me puppy dog eyes again, and I kissed him. He kissed back but then pulled away. "We will finish that one day!" He yelled as he walked away. "Yeah bye Jacob!" I yelled and waved. Then Daniel walked over and just stood there. "Ill miss you Grace." He said and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a big hug. "Ill miss you too." I whispered and he kissed my cheek. Then we walked away...he was literally walking out of my life...

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