Chapter 27

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*Grace POV*

       All of us, except for my brother and the rest of O2L, were in Weston's room. He had to go live and he wanted us in it. I was sitting at the desk with Mark, Weston and Jacob. Rosie and all of the others were on the bed. "Whats up guys!" He yelled. His viewers were growing he had about 5k right now. "Im here with these weirdos." He said and Mark and him started doing weird stuff. "Guys come here!" Weston yelled to the other's. Some of them walked over like Zach, Dylan and the rest of 5quad. Rosie just stayed on the bed playing on her phone. "Okay, you guys wanna play kahoot or something?" Weston asked the viewers. "Really? In a hotel?" Blake said. "Shut up." "Im just saying." "Rosie! What should we do!" Mark yelled and she rolled over. "What's her problem?" Weston asked and Dylan shrugged. 

*Rosie POV*

           I had a headache and the guys weren't helping by being so loud. I swear we are going to get a noise complaint. Just as I thought that the room phone rang. I picked it up and the boys looked at me. "Hello?" I said. "We have noise complaints coming from your room. If it keeps happening we will have to call the police and possibly ask you to leave." "Okay, well be quiet." I said and hung up. "Guys, we got a noise complaint. Shut up, they said they will call the police or we will get kicked out." I said and stormed out. I ran into Daniel in the hallway and we both stopped and looked at each other. "Hello Rosie." He said. "Hi, where are you going?" I asked and looked at the door I just slammed. "Just out, its kinda bored with just me." "You kinda put that on yourself." I mumbled. "Even though you mumbled that I could hear you." We laughed. "I know your not a bad person Daniel, it was just a mistake but it really shouldn't have happened." "I know, and you have no idea how bad I feel." i nodded and he continued walking. What Im about to do is probably the most stupidest anyone could ever do. "Wait. Daniel Im coming with you." I yelled and ran to him. Im hanging out with the boy who cheated on my sister. We walked out of the hotel and he just kept looking at his phone.

           "Whats on your phone thats so important?" I asked. "Um, well MagCon is starting back up and they asked me to do it. I said yes and Im waiting for a text with my flight information." He said and smiled. "Oh thats great." "Yeah Im excited." I nodded and he started running. "Run with me!" He yelled and I laughed. "Im coming!" I started running around and we probably looked like complete idiots. "Wanna get hot chocolate or something?" I asked pointing to the Starbucks. He nodded and we walked in. "I will just have a grande hot chocolate." I said and she typed it in. I pulled out my money, Daniel stopped me. He then ordered and payed for both of us. "You didn't have to do that." i said as we walked to get our drinks. "Its the least I can do." We grabbed or drinks and sat down. "So hows the Rosie Lawley love life going?" He asked laughing. "Um, me and Dylan just said our 'I love yous.' Im pretty happy." I said blushing. "Aww I was rooting for you and Zach." I took a sip of my drink and laughed. "Apparently a lot of people were, but me and Dylan will last. I can feel it." "Yeah, your like a genie right?" I laughed and he shrugged. "Genies grant wishes, do you mean like a fortune teller or something? I don't even know what its called." He just looked at me and smiled. Then my phone buzzed, it was Weston of course.

               "Hello." I said. "Hey. Your on speaker by the way." "Ok? Whats up?" Then I put it on speaker so Daniel could hear. "Where are you? Dylan was looking for you he said you weren't anywhere." "Im at Starbucks. Are you still live?" "Yep, and who is with you? You better not be alone. There are rapists." He whispered the last part. "Im not alone." I looked up and Daniel and he looked down. "Who is with you? Like everyone is here." Mark asked. "Just think who isn't there that isn't my brother or his friends." "I know who she's with." Grace said. "Who?" I think was Blake asked. "Daniel. Really Rosie?! What the fuck?!" Grace yelled. "I can do what I want, your not the boss of me." "Thats low." Jacob said. "Okay, well bye. Thanks for your inputs." I said and hung up. I looked at Daniel and smiled at him. "Its ok Daniel."

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