Chapter 16

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*Daniel POV*

          We are talking to the man in the hotel again. I was sitting with Cameron, Grace and Rosie. "We are adding four boys to our tour. Weston Koury, Mark Thomas, Blake Gray and Jacob Sartorius.I will have a couple of you guys go and greet them from the airport. Who wants to?" Rosie, Grace, Dylan and Zach raised their hands. "Raise you hand!" Grace said to me. I put my hand up. "Okay all of you guys can go. Go to your rooms, we have a show tomorrow! By the way we are getting the boys in like two hours, but don't leave the hotel. Thank you bye." We all got up and headed to our rooms. "Cam, you can stay in my room until they make your room schedule." He nodded and we went to our room.

*Rosie POV*

           "So what do you wanna do?" Dylan asked me. "Pool?" "Yes!" He laughed and went to the bathroom to change. I was putting my bottoms on and heard the bathroom door open. "Dylan! Im not done changing!" He laughed and I think he went back into the bathroom. When I was done changing I knocked on the door and he came out, with no shirt on. Hot. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He toke my hand and ran with me to the pool. No one was there it was calm. "I think I'm gonna sit in the sun for a while." It was an outdoor pool. "Ok, whatever." He said and jumped in the pool, he started shivering. I laughed at him and he got out. "You think its funny?" He said and started walking towards me. "Let's see how you feel." I got up and he started chasing me. He picked me up and he jumped in the pool with me. His arms were wrapped around my waist and he kept pulling me closer. I think he is about to kiss me, I can't let that happen. What about Zach? He was really close and I didn't want to pull away, but i did. "Dylan, I'm sorry. I kinda agreed to go on a date with Zach." I said and he looked down. "So your dating him now?" "No. We haven't even gone on a date, I mean we've kissed a lot but that's it." "You think your gonna go on another date with him?" "It depends, if something gets in the way." He started smiling then we just swam around. After an hour of swimming we headed back to the room, we decided to get ready. I put on a black skirt, a white shirt tied in the front and a white cardigan. Dylan was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. "Dylan? Don't you wanna wear something nice?" He laughed and jumped on the bed. "Come jump with me!" He got me on the bed and we both started laughing. 

*Grace POV*

           I decided to just wear a red skirt, white shirt and a grey cardigan. "You look pretty Gracie." Daniel said, which made me blush. "Thanks!" I gave him a quick kiss and checked my phone. Missed call from 'Rosie.' I just texted her. 

Gracypoo- Whats up?

Rosie- Just saying me and Dylan are going to meet you outside of your room in like 5 mins.

Gracypoo- Ok

           "Danny! Rosie is meeting us in like a minute! Hurry!" I yelled to him. "Im taking a piss! Hold your horses!" I laughed and waited for him. He walked out and grabbed my hand. There was a knock, I opened it and it was Rosie and Dylan. Me and Rosie had like the exact same outfit, but rosie's shirt was tied. "Here let me fix this." She said and tied my shirt. "Wow thanks." I said sarcastically. We all walked down to the lobby and Zach was there already. Rosie ran to Zach and hugged him, Dylan looked upset. I was holding hands with Daniel and Rosie was holding hands with Zach, I felt bad for Dylan. We got into the van and headed to the airport. When we got there, I was thinking that these four guys would probably be not too cute, because all the cute people are already here. I didn't even google them because i didn't want to get my hopes up, and plus i already have Daniel. 

*Rosie POV*

          Grace told me this theory that the boys probably won't be cute, I don't know if I believe it or not. I saw a group of four boys hoping that it was them, because damn! They saw us and Zach ran to them and gave them hugs. I walked up behind Zach and grabbed his hand. "Oh guys! This is Rosie, and Rosie this is Weston, Mark, Blake and Jacob." I smiled at them all and Weston winked at me. They were all really cute. "So Zach? Is this your girlfriend?" Weston asked. He looked at me and I answered no. I think Zach was a little hurt but he didn't show it. "Guys, come with me." Zach said, he toke my hand and we walked over to the others. "Guys! These are the boys! That's Grace, Daniel and Dylan." He said pointing to them. "And this is Weston, Mark, Blake and Jacob." I said pointing to them, I was proud I remembered their names. I saw Grace look at Jacob and he was looking at her too. "Lets go!" Weston yelled and him and Mark went running, but then came back because they didn't know where the van was. "I have to go pee quick." I said. "Me too." Weston said and walked with me. "So your Weston Koury?" "Yep and your Rosie....?" "Rosie Lawley." "Kian's sister?! No way! I love him! I heard Jack and Jack are here too, is that true?" "Yes, sadly..." "What's wrong?" "Me and Jack kinda had a thing but then he decided to go after another girl, I haven't talked to him since." "Oh, I'm sorry. But he's stupid to do that to you. Whats up with you and Zach?" "You know, he asked me on a date. I have feelings for him but also someone else..." "Who?!" "Where is that bathroom?" He tickled me and I started laughing. "Just tell me and Ill stop." "Fine, its Dylan." I said through laughs. "Oh, okay."

*Grace POV*

           Jacob was pretty cute, I have to say. We were waiting for Rosie and Weston to get back from the bathroom. Zach was just sitting there while everyone was talking. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "Rosie is with Weston." "Dude! Seriously stop getting jealous!" He just looked at me then got up. "Daniel?" i asked. "Yeah?" "Tomorrow I wanna do the boyfriend tag with you." "Of course." He smiled and kissed me. 

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