Chapter 8

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*Rosie POV*

          Me and Zach looked at each other and I dropped my arms from his neck and he kept one hand on my waist. "What was going on?" Grace asked. "Nothing." "Jack asked you out! You said yes! You could have said no, but you said yes! You can't kiss Zach even if you do like him!" I looked at Zach then took his arm off my waist and walked back to the table to see Daniel there too. Jack was standing up and Grace pushed me towards him. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. Zach walked back and i couldn't look at him so I looked away. "You really are something special." Jack said to me. He kissed my nose and then he moved his lips down to my lips and kissed me. I just had my first kiss with Jack in a Wendy's. Are you kidding! "Lets go!" Hayes screamed.

*Grace POV*

          I was walking with Daniel while everyone else was behind us. I turned around and saw Rosie and jack looking like a couple. Zach was talking to the rest of the guys. "So Grace? I know you like to sing and stuff but what else do you like to do?" He asked. "I play softball." "Cool. Your like an athlete. I bet your a good runner?" I just looked at him and started laughing. "What?" He said confused. "You think Im good at running." I said through laughs. "Rosie come here!" I yelled to her. She pulled Jack over. "What?" "Daniel thinks Im a good runner." She started laughing. "Us Lawley girls are not built for running! We would rather eat!" By now Daniel and Jack were laughing so it wasn't as awkward. A couple minutes later Rosie made everyone stop talking. "I have to go pee!" She yelled. "Didn't you go at Wendy's?" Jack asked. She looked at Zach and he looked down. I rolled my eyes and we walked into the nearest place and Rosie went pee. "Im kinda thirsty. Want to just get a drink?" Hayes asked. "Sure." I answered. We sat down at a small table and we all ordered cokes. "Excuse me." I said and got up. I ran into Rosie in the bathroom and said she needed to talk. "I don't know what to do?" She said. "About what?" "Zach or Jack?" "And Im guessing you like both of them." She nodded. "Um. Well, just see which one is the better choice or just go for someone else." "Wow thanks. What about Danny?" "I don't know if he likes me or not. I kinda like him but I really don't know." "Lets go back." We left the bathroom and the boys were already done with their drinks. Since they were just plastic bottles i just toke mine with me. 

       I was walking with Daniel and he gave me a napkin. "What is this?" I asked. "Just open it." The napkin said on it 'Will you go out with me? If yes- smile If no- start running.' I laughed and smiled. "So that's a yes?" "Yes!" He stopped me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and he kissed my cheek. "What about Friday?" He asked. "Sounds good." He took my hand and started swinging it.


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