Chapter 2

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*Rosie POV*

      We got to my brothers house and we walked in. It was huge, it seemed bigger than before. JC heard us and ran to pick me up. "Little Lawley!" He yelled. I laughed and he put me down. Connor gave me a hug, then Grace. Then Jack and Jack showed up. I blushed and looked away. They walked over to us and we introduced ourselves. "Which one of you is Jack J?" Grace asked. He pointed to himself. "Well, my sister has a crush on you and she already called dibs." She said that really fast and she then started running. 

       I was gonna run after her but Sam stopped me. "Don't do it." We were all laughing except for me, Johnson was red. "Where are me and Grace sleeping?" I asked Kian. "What do you think we are? A hotel?" Kian said. "Well, uh, yeah." "Um no. You be sleeping on the floor." I rolled my eyes and brought my suitcase to the living room. There were two mattresses on the ground. The boys walked in and sat on the couch with Grace. They started watching a weird movie. 

     "At least me and Grace both get our own bed." I said sitting on the mattress. "Um, no, Jack and Jack are sleeping on that one." Kian said pointing to the one I was sitting on. "Are you kidding me? I have to sleep with her?" Grace yelled, she walked over to me, flicked me then walked into the other room. "Kian! She's so mean!" They all laughed. I crossed my arms and gave them all the death glare. JC got up and dragged me away. Grace was in the kitchen eating a bag of Cheetos while she was on her phone. "Want some dinner?" He asked us. "Pizza?" I asked. He nodded and went into the freezer and pulled out a pizza.


        I woke up to Grace snoring. It seemed like no one else was awake. I turned the TV on and then heard shuffling. I looked over to see Johnson moving around and soon getting up. He was only in his underwear. "Come with me. We are gonna make pancakes." I got up and followed him to the kitchen. "Wanna maybe put some clothes on?" I said sarcastically. "Oh come on, you don't mind it!" I laughed and we started making pancakes. I kinda like him already. We cracked jokes the whole time. 

       Soon, Trevor and Ricky walked down the stairs. "We smelled food and wanted to investigate." Ricky said. "Is that Rosie Lawley!" Trevor shouted, he wasn't there last night. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Be quiet, people are sleeping." Ricky scolded. "Pancakes are ready!" Jack yelled. Grace was up now and had the worst bed head ever. We all laughed and she pretend she didn't hear. Kian and Sam finally came downstairs while we were in the middle of breakfast. "We are going to the airport soon, be ready." Sam said.

~After Flight; Florida~

       "I was positive that our first tour stop was San francisco." Grace said, confused. "We all come to one place just so we can meet everyone first. We will be with these people for about six months." Ricky said. Soon enough five boys were walking over to us. Two of them were cute. They introduced themselves. "Hi, Im Zach. Zach Clayton." He took my hand and kissed it. "Im Rosie. Rosie Lawley." I hugged him. "And Im the more attractive one, Edwin." He said pointing to himself. "Hi Edwin. Rosie." I said, imitating him by pointing to myself.

*Grace POV*

      "Im Rudan." "Grace." I smiled. I looked over his shoulder to see a really cute brunette boy, he was with someone else, too. They came over to us and I wanted to introduce myself. "Hi, Im Grace." "Hello, nice to meet you Grace, Im Dylan Dauzat." He shook my hand. Then the cute one came up to me. "Hi! Im Grace. Kian's little sister." "Im Daniel, Daniel Skye."

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