Chapter 4

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*Grace POV* 

        I found Daniel and we walked to our room together. We set our stuff down and choose our beds, I saw Daniel start to put his guitar on its stand. "You like it?" He asked, noticing me staring. I nodded and we smiled. "Wanna practice tomorrow?" He said. "Yes, I would love to." My phone dinged, it was Rosie.

Rosie- Hey! Hows Daniel? I know you probably like him!

Grace- Do Not! What about Zach? You like him? Or jack? 

Rosie- I think I like both of them, too soon to tell. DON'T JUDGE! Btw we are meeting in my room, everyone is coming.

     I just laughed at my sister. "Daniel?" I said looking at him sitting on the bed. "Yeah?" "We are apparently going to Rosie and Zach's room." "Well lets go!" He pushed me out the door and we found their room. Everyone was there except for Jack and Jack. I saw Rosie talking to Zach and Edwin, they were all laughing. Hayes came over to Daniel and pulled him away. I walked over to my sister. "Hey guys." I said sitting next to Rosie. "Hi." She said. "Hello." Zach said in a funny way. "Hey." Edwin said. 

        Zach grabbed my sisters hand and started to read her palm or something. She looked at me and she was blushing. I smirked and laughed. Just then the door opened and Jack and jack walked in. Rosie got up and ran to Jack J. Zach sighed and looked at me. "What's wrong?" I said. "He likes Rosie." Edwin said fast. Zach slapped his arm, "Do not." "Its ok Zach, even though you have only known her for like a day. She likes you too." He smiled. "But she also likes Jack J." Edwin said pointing to them. Rosie and Jack were hugging, Kian was giving them a dirty look. Daniel came up behind me and yelled trying to scare me. 

         "What was that?" I said laughing. "My attempt to scare you, which didn't work." "Yeah, you failed bad." He pulled me up and brought me over to where he was sitting with Hayes, Dylan, Sam, Kian and JC. Soon Johnson, Gilinsky and Rosie sat down with us. "Play truth or dare?" Johnson suggested. I nodded and so did everyone else. Everyone got in a circle and I sat next to Daniel and Hayes. Rosie was sitting between Zach and Johnson. "Jack J truth or dare?" Sam asked. "Dare." "I dare you drink ketchup." Jack gaged and grabbed the little bag of ketchup and ate it. We all laughed. 

        "Ok, Rosie? Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Who do you like better me Jack? Or that Jack?" "Jack...?" She said laughing a little. "Zach, truth or dare?" "Truther." "Do you got any girl back at home?" "No. Don't have a girlfriend. Yet." Rosie blushed and Johnson's face broke. "Hayes? Truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to make a vine saying that Dylan is your boyfriend." We laughed and he pulled out his phone. Dylan got in the shot. I was sitting there the whole time laughing. "Hey guys! Um, this might be weird but Im dating Dylan. Bye!" Everyone was laughing. Everyone was commenting, 'what?,' 'really?,' 'no he's joking.' "Grace? Truth or dare?" Hayes said. "Dare." "I dare you to tell vine you are dating Daniel." "Um..."

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