Chapter 38

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*Rosie POV*

           When we landed Grace texted mom and she said she was there. "She's right there!" Grace yelled and ran to her. I saw Julia with them and I ran to her and hugged her tight. "I've missed you!" I said. "Ive missed you too! Your gonna have to tell me everything!" I nodded. I gave my mom a hug and then took Julia's hand and walked to our car. When we got home I decided to call Dylan. "Dylan! I didn't think you would answer." I said and there was silence. "Dylan please stop being mad." "I'm not mad, just upset. And I think we should take a break, just until you get back. We can see other people." "Wait! What! Why are you saying this! Is there someone else?" "No. There will never be anyone else, I just can't do this for two weeks." "But it's only two weeks!" "I'm sorry Rosie. I love you and I'll see you later." "Yeah, love you too." I said as he hung up.

           As I started walking downstairs my phone went off. It was Edwin. "Edwin! Hey!" I said. "Hey sweetheart! How was your flight?" "Good! Thanks!" "When are you seeing your friend?" "Tomorrow but my friend Julia is here. She loves you and 5quad." "Oh! That's cool! I bet she's jealous that you kissed two of them." I laughed and he did his little giggle. "Alright I'm gonna let you go spend time with your family. Call me soon!" "Bye Edwin!" I hung up and went on Twitter. Dylan tweeted.... He said, 'Why does everything good have to leave. it makes me crazy' After I read that I decided to tweet, then there was a notification he was live. "Julia! Open YOUNOW and go to Dylan!" I yelled and she ran to me. She opened it and he was laughing with Weston, Hayes, Weston and Blake. I tweeted, then after I tweeted everyone on the broadcast started commenting 'Rosie tweeted!' "Rosie tweeted? Oh no." He said and laughed. "What'd she say? Blake check." Blake pulled his phone out and his jaw dropped, then he laughed. Julia looked at me and smiled. "She said, 'Wow! Everything I love is empty! First Nutella now your heart...?'" Blake said. "Shit." Dylan said. "Weston call her! We won't tell her were live!"

           Then my phone rang, it was Weston. I looked at Julia and we started laughing. "Turn it down!" I said to her as I answered. "Hey Westy Poo!" I said, I saw them trying not to laugh. "Hey, how is home?" "Good its a lot better than tour. And I don't have to see Dylan." I saw Dylan mouthing to put it on mute. "Turn it up." I whispered and she did. "Okay guys just so you know, we didn't break up." Dylan said and I rolled my eyes. "Oh Weston?" I said, loudly. He unpressed the mute button and looked at Dylan. "Yeah?" "Tell Dylan that we actually kind of did break up." I hung up and Dylan's eyes grew wide.


             This week has been great. Me, Sarah and Julia had a lot of fun catching up. Grace spent a lot of time on Vine and YouTube. She's gained many followers. Me and my friends Chris and Crawford Collins got closer, considering they are our neighbors. Today Grace was going back on tour, I was still staying another week. We were on our way to the airport, me, mom, Grace, Chris, Crawf and Julia. Sarah had to stay home and do homework. Once we arrived Grace took my hand and pulled me out of the car. Right when we walked in, her flight was called. She hugged all of us and then waved as she started walking to her gate. "Why aren't you going back?" Crawf asked me. "What? You don't want me here?" "No. You know I love you being here. I've practically known you my whole life and I will forgive you for not saying bye when you left for tour." I laughed and he hugged me. Then I heard a scream, it was Grace. Then she called me. "Rosie! I just got asked to join MagCon!" She yelled into the phone. "No way! Oh my god!" "Yeah! He said a lot of people from Digi are going also." "Who?" "Um, Dylan, Zach and 5quad. Jack and Jack. Blake, Mark and Weston, that's it." "So not Kian?" "Nope." "Well, have fun." "Wanna come?" "Of course! But when?" "I have to cancel my flight right now and we leave in two days!" "Alright. See you soon." I hung up and looked at Crawf wide eyed. "Me and Grace are going to MagCon!" I yelled.

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