Chapter 31

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*Grace POV*

      We were on our way to the airport, all half asleep. No one texted Jacob or Daniel saying we were coming. I bet Daniel knows he had the schedule but he probably forgot it. "Im really not looking forward to this flight." Rosie said. "Who actually is?" Zach said and put his headphones in. It was only 5 in the morning. When we got to the airport none of us got up at first but then Kian started screaming and we ran into the airport. Someone grabbed all of our luggage and I walked over to Kian. He put his arm around me and we just stood like that. Then my phone rang, it was my mom. "Kian its mom." I said and he grabbed it out of my hand. "Hey mom!" He said, I could hear her talking kind of. "Yeah, she's right here. Ill put her on, love you." She said something and he gave it to me.

      "Hey babe." She said. "Hi mom!" "Ive missed you and your sister so much." "We've missed you too, but we've made many new friends." "So your going to Texas right?" "Yep! we are at the airport now." "Thats cool and uh, listen. I saw your YouTube video." Oh god..."And...?" "He's a cute boy, Id like to meet him." "Umm, we aren't together anymore..." "But that video was just last week, what happened?" "He cheated." "Oh no, not on my baby girl." "Mom its fine. Im fine now, like I said i have great friends here." "Alright well let me talk to your sister. I love you." "I love you too mom and let me find her." I looked around and she was sitting with Dylan and 5quad. I walked over and gave her the phone.

*Rosie POV*

     Grace handed me her phone and said it was my mom. "Hey mom!" I said and stood up, Dylan pulled me down. "Hey sweetie pie! Hows everything?" I looked at Dylan and smiled. "Good, everything is great." "I have seen your Instagram." "Mom! Your such a stalker." "Maybe you should make it private then, but who is this Dylan boy?" "He's on tour with me. He's kind of my boyfriend." Dylan smiled and me and grabbed my free hand. "What do you mean kind of? Is he using you? For sex?" She whispered and I laughed. "No mom. Its just weird you asking me this." "Oh, well. Your still a virgin right?" "Yes mom." I said laughing again. "He better not cheat on you. Is he there? Can I talk to him?" "Mom, I don't think he wants to talk to-" Dylan grabbed Grace's phone and walked away.

      "When are we gonna be able to get on the plane?" I asked. "Once they get all of our tickets." Nick said. "Are we all sitting together?" "If they don't mess up the tickets." Rudan said and the boys nodded. "We leaked our flight information, so we can meet some more supporters. They will be here soon." Nick said and they all walked over to the doors. I got a text.

Cameron- Hey! How is tour without me?

Rosie- You've been gone for a day, not too bad.

Cameron- Oh come on you miss me. I miss you and Daniel and Jacob both miss Grace, Daniel especially.😳

Rosie- I bet.😂

Cameron- Its true, you need to visit soon.

Rosie- I just saw you yesterday!

Cameron- Im not joking!

Rosie- I know your not! But seriously we are coming to Texas right now and already have tickets for your show....

Cameron- No way! The boys will freak!😱

Rosie- You can't tell them it's going to be a suprise🤐

Cameron- Ugh fine! But I'm excited to see you👌🏻👌🏻

Rosie- Same but gtg. Planes here, bye!😘

Cameron- Bye! See you soon💟

               After I texted him we rounded up everyone and headed to security. We got our plane tickets and we got to sit in first class. I was sitting with Timmy and Trevor, we were having a fun time.

*Grace POV*

             On the plane I sat with JC and Connor, some reason we started talking about cats. "Are you guys going to MAGCON with us?" I asked them. "Duh! Who would pass up a time to go to MAGCON." Connor said. JC put his headphones on and closed his eyes. "Wanna watch a movie?" Connor asked me and I nodded. We started watching Clueless, it was one of our favorite movies. "After this we should watch funny cat videos." He whispered in my ear and I laughed. "In your dreams."

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