Chapter 19

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*Rosie POV*

         I was kissing Dylan. I didn't pull away, neither did he. My hands were around his neck and his hands were on my waist. He pulled away and just looked at me. Then he winked and walked away. To my sister? Then they walked away and they were both smiling. I looked over and Zach was there. "Wow, um." He said. "Yeah, I don't know." He just smiled and pulled me on the furniture again. "Another round? Ill beat you." He said and I nodded and laughed. "I bet, I'm really good." Im glad he's not mad or upset.

*Grace POV*

           I finally found Daniel and ran to him. I kissed him but he pulled away fast. I pulled him away. "Daniel! What is wrong?!" I whisper yelled. "Nothing." He said and walked away. Rosie and Zach walked over and started talking to the boys. I went to go talk to Connor and Ricky, I haven't talked to them in a while.

*Rosie POV*

As I was talking to Rudan and Timmy I kept glancing at Dylan and he was looking at me too. Soon Grace came over and pulled me away. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Daniel. He's acting different." "You've been dating him for a week you don't know how the fuck he acts. Leave him alone, if he dosent like you then deal with it." She just stared at me, I've never said something that mean to her ever. She shook her head and walked to the stairs. Then I started to feel bad, I was starting to cry. Kian came over and hugged me. "What's wrong sis?" He asked. "I just said some really mean stuff to Grace." "You are not supposed to always be nice Rose. She's your sister, your allowed to be mean. She'll forgive you." He kissed my forehead and walked away. Then Dylan came over, he started to talk but I kissed his cheek and walked off.


Connor found Grace and we were all waiting to go on stage. Weston was sitting next to me while Dylan was on stage with 5quad. "So, how are you and Dylan?" He asked. "Yeah, he totally kissed me." He smiled but then looked down. "Weston? You mind if I call you Westy?" He smiled and laughed. "Whatever. If we were dating our ship name would be Wosie." We both laughed and high fived.

*Grace POV*

          It was time for Daniel and Cameron to go sing. I gave him a hug and he kissed my forehead. While they were singing I just stood there with my arms crossed. "Hello. Grace right?" Someone asked. I looked to see Jacob, I nodded. "And Jacob?" He nodded and smiled. "So that's your boyfriend huh?" He asked pointing to Daniel. I nodded and he shrugged. "So? Is Rosie your sister?" "Yep! Kian's my brother." "Lucky! He's so funny." "Yeah not when you've known him since you were literally born." He laughed. The person announced it was time for Mark, Weston, Blake and Jacob to go on stage. He waved and went on stage with the boys. Daniel came off and stood next to me watching the boys with Cam. "You sang really good!" I said. "Thanks." He said and put his arm around me. He was sweaty so I took it off me, he rolled his eyes and left.


*Rosie POV*
           After the show I was the first one out of the building. It was really warm out. I walked out the doors and Dylan was already out there at the bottom of the steps. He smiled at me and I ran down the steps. When I got down the steps I ran to him and he grabbed my waist and kissed me.

Love at First DIGI *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now