Chapter 12

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After Disney

*Rosie POV*

              We are just arriving back at the hotel and it is around 11:15. I texted Edwin and told him we were coming, he said they are in the lobby. Grace also texted Daniel and he said him and Dylan will be down there soon. "Have fun at the movies guys." Kian said as we walked into the hotel. "Thanks." I said and hugged him. "I had fun today." Sam said to me. "Me too, I'm never going to forget all the rides we went on together!" We laughed and then he hugged me. I could see Zach and Edwin looking at me but I just smiled. "We should hang out soon, just the two of us...?" "I'd love that!" I said and he kissed my cheek and walked off with Connor and Kian. Me and Grace walked over to the boys and we're waiting for Daniel and Dylan. "Grace text him!" I said tugging on her arm. "I did now shut up!" "What movie are we going to see anyway?" I asked Zach. "I don't know what it's called, but it's a horror movie." My eyes widened. "Wait?! What?! I didn't sign up for this!" "It's okay, it's not real. I'll sit next to you and it will be fine. Okay?" I nodded my head and took his hand. Finally Daniel and Dylan came out of the elevator...with Jack. I let go of Zach's hand and moved close to Grace. 

             "Hey Jack!" Grace yelled and stuck her tongue at me. "Hey Grace!" He started walking over. "Jack, where are you off to?" I asked. "Just going to meet Jack." "Oh, okay." He walked over and hugged me. "I miss you." He whispered in my ear which for some reason made me smile. I don't have feelings for him...right? Maybe. Then he broke away but I pulled him back and kissed him, he was suprised but then kissed back. We pulled away and then he left. "Wow, uh, that was weird." Grace whispered to me but I just smiled. "Let's go to the movie!" Dylan said. In the van I sat next to Dylan because I have barley talked to him. "Rosie right?" He said and I nodded. "So, are you like dating Jack?" "No,it's really complicated." "Honestly the only thing I got from that sentence was that your single." I laughed and bit my lip. "Dylan?" "Yea?" "Are you single?" "Yes..." "Someone as handsome as you....really?" "Yep, and just so you know, I'm sitting next to you at the theater." "It depends if our tickets are next to each other, I guess it's up to fate." We laughed and then we just talked about our home lives.

At the movies

         We walked in and bought the six tickets. "My ticket number is 24." I said. Everyone looked at there's. "Mine is 25." Zach said and stood next to me, we both smiled. "I have 22." Grace said. "21." Daniel said. "26." Edwin said. "23." Dylan said which  made me blush. "Perfect!" I said. We went to buy drinks and food then found our seats in the theater. "So Rosie, promise me if you get scared you will take my hand." Dylan said. "I promise." He put his hand on top of mine and I pulled mine away. "Only if I get scared." I said and turned towards Zach. He was talking to Edwin and they were joking around a lot. "Zach?" I said and he didn't even notice me. I tugged  on his sleeve but he shrugged my hand away. The movie started and I sank in my seat. The beginning scene scared the crap out of me and my first reaction was to grab Zach's hand. He pulled it away and curled up in his seat. "Zach? What is wrong?" "I really like you, you keep leading me on." "I like you too Zach, its complicated." We were whispering but Im pretty sure Edwin could hear. "No its not." I grabbed his face with my hands and kissed him.

*Grace POV*

             "Daniel?" I asked looking at him and grabbing his hand. "Yea sweetie?" "Can you pass the popcorn?" "Only if you kiss me." I smiled but then kissed him. "No PDA." Dylan said. We pulled away and started to quietly laugh. "Now the popcorn?" He passed it over to me and we both started eating it. My phone started vibrating. It was Nick? He texted me.

Nick Bean- Hey. Where are you and the boys?

Grace Lawley- We are at the movies, can I text you later? I will tell you when we are on our way back.

Nick Bean- oh, ok. Sorry.


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