Chapter 44

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*Rosie POV*

          "Rosie I'm gonna broadcast soon. Wanna join?" Hunter asked me, after lunch. "Yeah. I'd love to!" "Okay. Zach, Weston, Blake and Mark will be there too." "Can I ask Grace?" "Yeah, meet me in my room in like ten." "Alright." He walked away and I went to go find Grace. I called her. "Hey Grace. Meet me in Hunter's room. We are going live." I said. "Okay. Can I bring Daniel?" "Im sure that'd be fine." "Okay. See you soon." "Yep." I hung up and walked to Hunter's room. I walked in and he was already live, he was with Mark and Weston. "Hey!" I said and sat between Hunter and Weston. "What do you guys want us to do?" Hunter asked. "Okay most of you guys are saying guest people and kiss, marry, kill."  "Why don't we guest people and play it." Weston said and Hunter nodded. 

           My phone started ringing. It was my mom. "Its my mom." I said and got up, Hunter pulled me back. "Put it on speaker." Weston said. I answered and did put it on speaker. "Hey mom!" I said. "Hey honey. Hows tour? I just talked to your brother, he said he dosent miss you guys. Which is a lie." "Im sure its not." "Where's Grace? Is she there? Hows Dylan?" When she said that I put her off speaker. "Are you guys dating again?" Hunter was laughing and so was Weston. "Too many questions! I have to go, Ill call you later." "Okay. Love you. I told Kian to call you later. Bye." She hung up and I sighed. "Isn't Dylan just a friend?" Hunter asked. "Yeah, a really really good friend." Weston said and wiggled his eyebrows. "Be quiet! we are on broadcast." I said. "They like juicy stuff." Mark said, Hunter laughed. 

           "Okay, lets just guest people." Weston said, there was a knock and Grace and Daniel walked over to us. Hunter pressed on a girl and she screamed. "Oh my god hunter! I love you!" She said. "I love you too. Ready to play kiss, marry, kill?" Hunter asked and she nodded. "Weston give her choices." Mark said. "We are here!" Zach yelled as him and Blake walked in. We laughed and Weston said, "Zach, Blake and Daniel." She looked like she was thinking. "Okay. Kill Daniel. Kiss Blake. Marry Zach." "Excuse me!" Daniel yelled and she laughed. "Give some to Weston." Hunter said. "Okay. Rosie, Ariel and Maddie, Welborn." "Um, kill Maddie, I don't really know her. Sorry. Kiss Ariel and marry Rosie." He said. "Aww thanks Westy!" I said and hugged him. Hunter dropped the girl and then guested a boy. "Rosie you give him the people." Hunter said, I nodded. "Okay. Grace." I said and pointed to her. "Me, and I guess Ariel." He was cute. "Okay. Kill you. Sorry." Everyone started laughing and I fake cried. "Kiss Grace and marry Ariel." 

                 "Give some to Rosie now." Hunter said. Then people started commenting Dylan was watching. "Oh! Dylan Dauzat. Weston and Hunter." He said, I started blushing. "Crap, this is hard. I don't wanna kill any of you guys. But I guess, kill Weston. Im so sorry." "I saved you! We are over! If Im ever missing go to her house and look in the basement." Weston yelled. "Kiss Hunter and marry Dylan." Hunter nodded and guested the next girl. "Grace! You go!" He said and she sat up. "How about. Zach, Blake and Hunter." She said. "Um. Kill Blake. Marry Zach and kiss Hunter." "Good choice." Blake said, pretending to be mad. "Grace, I give you. Daniel, Zach and Hunter." "Marry Daniel. This is really hard, who am I gonna kill. Thats really hard, I don't want to kill either of them. Umm. Let me think about it. I guess, kiss Zach and kill Hunter." She said. "Uh uh honey!" Hunter yelled. "You are not allowed back here!" Grace laughed and hid behind Daniel. 

          Then Hunter turned the iPad so I couldn't see it. "Should i guest him?" He whispered to Grace and she nodded. "Hey Dylan! Ready to play?" Hunter said, I looked at him wide eyed and he put it back in front of me. "Yep." "Okay. Rosie, Ariel and Loren. Blake's sister." "I know her. Umm, but, kill Ariel. Marry Loren and kiss Rosie."  Hunter's face turned red and tried not to laugh, so did everyone. "Hunter I give you the same people." "Kill Ariel. Kiss Loren. Marry Rosie." I smiled and saw Dylan, he tensed up but was trying to smile. Hunter looked at me and I kissed him, he kissed back. I pulled away and Dylan dropped himself. "I need two cute moments on my broadest today!" Hunter yelled and looked at Grace and Daniel. I flipped the camera around and faced them. They looked at each other and kissed. It was so cute. "I love you." Daniel whispered. "I love you too." Grace whispered back.

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