Chapter 6

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*Rosie POV*

       I got Zach out of bed, finally. I had to pull him, scream at him and jump on him. "I will only get out of this room if you hold my hand." He said in a childish voice. I laughed and grabbed his hand. As we were walking hand in hand, Johnson and Gilinsky walked out there rom. "Hey Rose!" He said. "Hey! Ready for groups today?" "Of course." He looked at mine and Zach's hands. Zach tried to pull away but I squeezed his hand and started running. We got to the elevators but Zach pulled me to the stairs. "What are you doing? Im not built for this!" I yelled. He stopped in his track causing me to stop too. He was looking at me and smiling, which caused me to smile too. "What?" I asked. "Just be quiet for a second." I stayed quiet and he put his hands on my waist. I put mine around his neck. "Whats going on?" I asked, confused. "What did I say?" "Sorry." He started to lean in and i found myself leaning in too. His lips crashed on mine, I kissed back and closed my eyes. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "Lets go eat." He whispered. I grabbed his hand again and walked down the stairs to the breakfast place. Everyone was there, even Jack and Jack. 

        There were two open seats, one next to my sister and Daniel or next to Edwin and Rudan. i ran next to Edwin and Zach was mad but sat next to my sister. "Finally! We are starving! Where were you guys anyway?" Sam yelled. "Probably making out somewhere!" Grace yelled and everyone laughed except for me, Zach and Kian. I gave Grace a look and her face went blank. Everyone stopped laughing and we ordered our food. Zach looked over at me and was fake pouting, I shaped my hands into a heart then blew him a kiss. We laughed and then I ordered. "I just want a bagel with cream cheese and apple juice please." She went to Rudan next so I turned to Edwin. "Hey." I said. "Whats good babe?" "Nothing, at all." "Im excited to be in your group today." "Yeah me too." "Just don't be all lovey dove with Zachy. He's taken by me." I just laughed and turned red. After breakfast Connor made everyone get into their groups and find another group to walk with. Grace, Daniel and Hayes walked over to us and joined us. Zach grabbed my hand again and I saw Daniel reach for Grace's but she pulled it away not know ing he was trying to hold it. 

      When we were walking Johnson grabbed my other arm and pulled me back with him. Zach looked back but then started talking to Edwin. "What up Jack?" I asked. "Nothing, just wanted to talk to you. It hasn't been just us in a while." "Well, Im all yours right now." "Good. Hey guys! Me and Rose are gonna stop in this store! We will meet you in about 15 minutes at that fountain over there." "Ok." Grace answered simply. We walked into the store and it was a weird voodoo magic place. "This is a weird place." "I know Rosie. But i am about to tell you your fortune." "Oh yeah, Im sure." "Watch me." He grabbed a crystal ball and set it on the table. He was rubbing his hands all around it. I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay. I see a very handsome boy, who is your boyfriend." Zach? "Who?" I asked. "Well, um, me." My jaw dropped. Is he asking me out? "What?" "Rosie? Will you go on a date with me?" Um... "Sure." He got up and gave me a hug. "Friday at eight. Be ready." He whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and we walked out.

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