Chapter 45

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*Rosie POV*

          "Rosie! Bella is calling!" Grace yelled as she walked out of the bathroom. "Who's this Bella?" Taylor asked, who decided he wanted to watch tv in our room because the quality is better. "Our friend. Answer it!" I yelled. She answered and put it on speaker. "Hey what's up? How's tour?" She asked. "Good, how's life at home?" "Boring as fuck." "Great." Then Grace put it on mute. "Can we invite her?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "Can we bring her on tour?" "I don't know, we'd have to ask Bart." "Talk to her! I'm gonna go talk to Bart." I nodded and took it off mute. "Wanna to talk to Taylor?" I asked. "Ooo, yeah." I gave the phone to Taylor and went to go find Grace.

        I saw her walking with a big smile on her face. "He said we can invite her! Where is my phone?" She said and ran to me. "She's talking to Taylor." "Oh! I gotta go tell her! He got her a flight for three am tonight." She ran to the room and then stopped and started walking. "Rosie!" I turned around and saw Hunter. We smiled and he hugged me, I pulled away and stood there, awkwardly. "Um, do you wanna go to lunch today?" I nodded, shyly and made conversation.

*Grace POV*

          "Taylor I need my phone!" I yelled and grabbed my phone. "Wanna join tour?!" I yelled to Bella. "Duh!" She said. "Ill text you the flight information and see you soon I guess." "Okay." I hung up and quickly texted her the flight number and time. "Tay wanna grab some lunch?" I asked. "Yeah, lets go. Wendy's for chicken and McDonalds for fries?" I nodded and we laughed. We hooked arms and skipped to the elevators, laughing. We went to Wendy's first and I thought I saw Rosie, but I'm probably hallucinating.

           We walked in and Taylor went to order, I looked around. I saw Hunter and Rosie, together. They were both laughing. "I'm paying for you." Taylor said, I shook my head. "No, I will pay. Its ok." "Nope. She will have the ten piece chicken nuggets." He ordered for me, we got our food and  left for McDonalds. We walked in and saw most of the boys there. We tried not to let them notice us, Taylor pulled the stings on his sweater and he looked really funny. I hid my face and walked to the counter. "I'm paying this time." I said and pushed him away.

         "Two large fries please." I said and he nodded. We got our food and Taylor looked around. "Wanna sit over there? Where the boys aren't?" He asked and I nodded. But it was too late for that. "Gracie! Tay! Come here!" Cam yelled, me and Taylor looked at each other and walked over. "Have you guys seen Rosie or Hunter? They are the only ones not here." Aaron asked. I looked out the window and sat next to Daniel, my face turning red. "You know!" Daniel said, loudly. I looked at him and so did everyone else. "There on a date..." I said and took a sip of my soda. Dylan got up and left the restaurant.

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