Chapter 11

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*Kian POV*

           I am waiting for my sisters in the lobby with Connor and Sam. We are going to Disney, they just don't know. I saw them as they were walking out of the elevator talking. Rosie was wearing a shirt that was too big and Sam started laughing. "Wow! Rosie's outfit is so on fleek!" We all laughed. "Hey guys!" Rosie yelled. "What is up with your outfit girl?" Connor asked her laughing. "Oh. Edwin picked it our for me, and this is Zach's shirt." I gave her a dirty look and she shrugged her shoulders. "So, Grace?" Sam said breaking her from her thoughts. "Yeah?" "What's up with you and Daniel?" She blushed and started smiling. "Nothing really, just a date an-" Rosie cut her off. She yelled, "And a kiss!" Grace started blushing even more. He kissed my sister! "Really Grace?!" I was almost yelling. "Yeah, well, Rosie kissed Zach and Jack!" Grace yelled back. "Are you kidding?" She shrugged and walked out the doors. "Lets go!" Sam yelled. "Where are we going anyway?" Rosie asked. "Um, Disney..." "No way!" Grace yelled. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so so much! I love you Kian!" Rosie screamed as she hugged me. We found the bus that was taking us to Disney and piled in. 

*Rosie POV*

            I got a text from Jack...

Jack- Hey! Where are you?

Rose- Im going to Disney with my brother...

Jack- Oh...Wanna hang out when you get back?

Rose- Maybe, depends what time... 

        Then, Edwin called me. "Guys, Edwin is calling. Be quiet. Kay?" I said. They nodded their heads. "Hey!" I said. "Hey babe." "Whats up?" "Nothing. Zach and I are going to a midnight showing. Wanna come? You can bring Grace and she can bring Daniel or whatever?" "I would love to. Let me ask Grace." "Okay." "Hey Grace, Zach, Edwin and I are going to a midnight movie tonight. Wanna come and bring Danny boy?" "Sure, let me text him." "She said yes." "Cool, its a date." With that he hung up. What did he just say? 

*Grace POV*

Grace- Hey wanna go to the movies tonight? When I get back?

         I texted Daniel five minutes ago and he hasn't answered yet. "Kian?" I asked. "Yeah." "What time will we be back?" "Well, its like 10 am now, so, like 11 pm?" "Okay, thats a long time." "Who cares?" They all went back to their own little conversations. I plugged in my headphones and started listening to Jack and Jack. My phone vibrated it was Daniel. 

Danny Boy- Uh, yeah, what time...?

Grace- Its the midnight showing Rosie said...

Danny Boy- Kay, cool, Im in. Who else is going...?

Grace- Edwin, Zach, Rosie, me and you, sound good?

Danny Boy- Yep! Text me when you get back, Im with Dylan.

Danny Boy- He wants to know if he can go...?

Grace- One sec...

        "Hey! Rosie?" I yelled to her. She looked up from talking to Sam. "Yes?" "Can Dylan go to the movie with us?" "Im sure that would be fine." "Do you even know what movie we are seeing?" "You know, that didn't come up in the conversation I had with Edwin." "Oh, okay."

Grace- Yeah! He can come! ttyl

Danny Boy- Great! Bye


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