Starbucks and a Girl Name Maya?

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*Picture of Rachell*

The message says, 'Hey, I saw you talking to Carson and that's not right. Let me just tell you he is mine, so don't get any ideas! 😡' What the heck! Who is this person?

How is talking to a person that I'm forced to sit beside, not right? We just had a friendly conversation to pass the time. It's not that big of a deal.

I get out of the taxi cab and went towards the front door. I open the door, walking into the spacious foyer. My eyes find the stairs and I carry my suitcase up the stairs.

I glance down the hallway and smirk, when I spot Luke talking away on his phone. I guess I get the first dibs at picking my bedroom. I roll my suitcase down the wooden floor hallway, pushing open one of the bedroom doors. I peer inside, grinning. There's a glass, double doors that leads out to a small balcony. On the side of the room is a closet with a sliding door. Right across the big wall where my bed would be, is a doorway leading to a bathroom. Oh, this is definitely going to be my room, sorry Luke.

I lay down my suitcase and start unpacking my clothes, organizing my closet jamming out to my Spotify playlist to get me into the spirit of things. After about two hours of putting my clothes in my closet, the moving truck people start putting in my bedroom furniture.

I decided to place my toiletries and make-up products in the cupboards and under the sink counter. A place to stay out of the way of the moving truck people, plus it'd be awkward to just stand there and watch them.

My phone starts buzzing on the granite sink counter. I don't even bother looking at the caller ID because I'm really stressed out from the unpacking.


"Hey, it's me, Carson," a voice cuts through.

I let out a small smile. "What's up?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the Los Angeles park?"

"I would love too," I reply, glancing at myself in the mirror. I bite my lip. Do I look representable to go out in public?

"Cool. So I'll see you in thirty minutes?" He questions.

"Yeah, thirty minutes will work," I confirm.

"Alright, see you then."

"Yep, bye." I hang up the phone and stare down at my phone. Did I just agree on a date with this guy? Girls and guys can hang out just as friends, besides that creepy texted is probably his over-protective girlfriend. They did say he was their's.

I put on my beanie before grabbing my phone and purse. I head on out of my bedroom, walking down the stairs that lead straight into the living room.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I see that I have a text message from Carson. 'Hey what's your address? 😊' I send him my address and wait for him to show up. I hear my mom walk in.

"You look like your waiting for something, what is it?" She asks with a lifted eyebrow.

"I'm going to hang out with a friend that I met on the plane," I reply.

"Who is this friend? We just got here."

"His name is Carson."

"Alright, you can hang out with him as long as I see who this guy is and I want to know where you guys are going," she states, sternly.

"Okay, he is coming soon to pick me up and we are going to the park." I hear the door knock. I opened the door, to see Carson.

"Hey and wow you look beautiful," he says with a smile.

I blush. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself."

"Ah, you must be Carson. How old are you Carson?" My mom asks him.

" I'm thirteen, he replies. (A/N: holy crap, I did not know I wrote this story when he was thirteen...dang it's been three years of this story....holy cow.)

"Oh well, okay then you guys have fun."

Carson turns to face me. "So are you ready to go?"

"Yep." I close the front door. We walk through the neighborhood, soon leading out of the entrance.

As we walk towards the park, Carson and I watch a little girl holding a squirrel by its neck as her months tries to whack it out of grasp with a broom. "Ally! Let go of the squirrel!"

Ally holds up the squirrel to show her mother, who immediately backs away. "Look, mommy! I have a new friend!"

Carson and I both look at each other before laughing together. "How is the squirrel not attacking the girl?"

I shrug, shaking my head with amusement. "The poor squirrel."

We make it to the park and sit down at a bench. I advert my gaze on the pond that's in the middle of the park. It's really beautiful, the way the sun hits it. I get up and pick up a pebble. I throw back my wrist, letting the pebble fly into the pond. I failed at throwing it across the water.

Carson gives me another pebble and grabs my arm. "Here, let me help you." He throws back my arm and I toss it across the water.

I smile. "Thanks."

"No problem. Do you want to get some Starbucks?" He asks.


On the way to Starbucks, Carson tries to do parkour with the dumpsters on the side of the concrete upper platforms. He points to a bike rack. "Check this out." He walks behind it before jogging forward as he grabs the two curves, flipping himself forward and landing on his feet.

I nod my head, pretty impressed. "Impressive."

He grins. "Why, thank you."

We enter Starbucks and I order my favorite drink, Caramel Frappuchino.

"I like that one too," he says, before ordering the same thing.

We sit at a table near the window. "So, you know how old I am, how old are you?" He asks, before putting his straw in his mouth.

"I'm fifteen," I reply. I start drinking my coffee, when my eyes catch something familiar in the far corner of the restaurant. Her.

{I had a question right here and I had to delete it because it made me cringe. Hope you guys enjoy chapter 2!! 💘}

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