A Babysitting Date???

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*Picture of Joey*

I stood there in shock. I never thought Nathan would like me in that way.

"You like me?" I asked shocked.

"No, I love you." he replied. I nodded, processing everything he said.

"I like you too, but not in that way. We can still be friends right?" I asked. He nodded. I went upstairs to my room an Nathan followed. Jordyn was already in her pjs and she was on her phone. I grabbed a tank top and shorts and went into my closet. I quickly changed. Jordyn and I made a gigantic bed out of pillows and blankets. Nathan came out of the bathroom and laid down next to me. I turned out my lights and turned on the tv. I watched tv for about five minutes, before I fell asleep. I dreamed that Carson got mad at me because Nathan loved me. It was horrible, even if it was vice versa. I woke up and I saw my head was laying on Nathan's shoulder. I got up slowly without waking him up. I went downstairs.

"Morning sweetie. It's Saturday, which means it's babysitting time." my mom said. I smiled. I love watching my younger brother joey. He's three years old and he is so adorable. Jordyn and Nathan came downstairs.

"What are we going to be doing today?" Jordyn asked.

"I have to watch my younger brother." I replied.

"I'll help you." Nathan offered.

"I want to he-" her phone started ringing. Jordyn answered and left the room. My mom handed me Joey and waved goodbye. I sat Joey at the kitchen counter and grabbed him a bowl of cereal. Jordyn came back into the kitchen.

"I can't help. My mom says I have to go to dance rehearsals." Jordyn said, while pouting.

"Aww okay." I said, while feeding Joey. Nathan, of course, started staring at me. Jordyn's mom came and Jordyn left. Now it was just me, Nathan and Joey. After Joey was done, I took him into the living room and we started playing with his ninja turtles. Nathan took out a camera.

"Smile." he said. I hesitated, but I finally smiled at the camera.

"Do the duck face." He laughed.


"Please." He begged. I finally gave in and did the duck face. He snapped the pic. I grabbed the camera from him and started taking pics of him. We started looking trough the pics that we took. We both started laughing like crazy.

"We look hilarious!" I said, while laughing.

"I do, but you look beautiful in these pics." I hid my face, so he didn't see me blushing. All of a sudden he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

{What do you guys think of the chapter?? Hope you enjoyed! 💕}

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