Cotton Candy Challenge and Carnivels

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I saw Jordyn walking towards us.

"Hey girl!" I greeted.


"What's up?" Nathan asked.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to come to the carnival with Johnny, Carson, and I?"

"I would love to!"I said.

"Yeah, I would like to go, but I can't." Nathan said sadly.

"Why not?" Jordyn pouted.

"Apparently my boss wants me to do a shift at the restaurant right now."

"Aww, well it was fun hanging out with you."I said.

"Yeah, same. Well I have to go." he hugged Jordyn and I goodbye

"See ya later." Jordyn said. We waved goodbye and Jordyn and I walked to her car. I got in and saw Johnny and Carson.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey." Carson and Johnny said at the same time.

~30 minutes later~

We got out of the car and walked to the ticket booth. We grabbed our tickets from the woman. J

"Okay guys, meet me here in 2 hours." Jordyn's mom, Kelly said. We nodded.

"What do you guys want to do first?" Jordyn asked.

"Let's ride that thing." I pointed to a ride with seats hanging from long ropes and they spun through the air. (Like in the pic above) We walked to it and Jordyn and I sat together, while the boys sat together. The ride started and we were basically flying through the air.

"OMG! This is awesome!" Jordyn screamed.

"I know!" I screamed back. The ride finally came to an end and we got out of the seats.

"What's next?" Carson asked.

"Bumper cars?" Johnny suggested.

"Omg, yes!" Jordyn cheered. We all laughed and we walked to the bumper cars.

~1 hour later~

"Who wants cotton candy?" I asked.

"ME!!" Jordyn, Carson and Johnny said at the same time.

I laughed. We walked over and Carson got a gigantic pink and blue swirl cotton candy.

"Now this is awesome!" Carson said, taking his huge cotton candy.

We all nodded.

"How can you even eat all of that?" Jordyn said, laughing.

"It's bigger than you!" I said. Me and Jordyn laughed.

"Johnny, you should get the same one and we can have a race." Carson said.

"Okay, but for the record I'm gonna win!"

"The cotton candy challenge?" I suggested.

Carson and Johnny smiled.

"This is kind of like the Taco Bell challenge!" Johnny said.

We nodded.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Jordyn said.

Carson and Johnny started eating their cotton candy and I was recording it.

~15 minutes later~

"I think this was a mistake." Carson said, clutching at his stomach.

"I feel sick." Johnny groaned.

"Hey, on the bright side John, you won!" Jordyn said.

He smiled. I looked at the time.

"It's been two hours, we should head back." I informed them.

They nodded and we walked back to the entrance. We met up with Kelly and we went to the car.

"Can I quickly go to the restroom, I think I'm going to puke." Johnny said.

We nodded and he ran off.

"Yeah, you guys shouldn't have done that." Jordyn said.

Carson nodded. "It was a good idea in my head." he said.

Jordyn and I laughed.

~10 minutes later~

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Have no idea, but Rachell can you go see if he's okay?" Kelly asked.

I nodded and got out of the car. I walked to the bathrooms. Why did she send me? I'm not a guy, I just can't walk in there. I saw a boy came out.

"Hey, umm is there a boy in there who has light brown hair and he's wearing a black shirt and black jeans?" I asked.

The boy nodded and walked away.

"Johnny, are you okay?" I asked.

Johnny came out and nodded.

"Before we go back, I need to ask you something." I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Do you know if Carson knows why Maya hates me?" I asked nervously.

His eyes went wide.

"So you do?"

"Umm yeah..."

I nodded. I have to ask Carson about this.

"But I also know why she hates you." he informed.

I slowly turned around to face him.

"What?" I said with a confused look.

"Yeah, Carson told me everything."

"Well, why does she hate me?"


{Why do you guys think Maya hates her? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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