The Summeralls and Shopping

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I saw Carson with a guitar.

"Rachell, this song is dedicated to you." Carson said with a smile. Carson started strumming his guitar.

"Ohh I see it in your heart and soul. I see it everywhere you go and I just want to let you know, it's always you and beautiful. B-e-a-u-u-u, you're beautiful. B-e-a-u-u-u, you're beautiful. B-e-a-u-u-u, you're beautiful. B-e-a-u-u-u, you're beautiful. Cross my heart, oh my wow. Prettiest face around. Girl I'll walk a thousand miles, see you laugh, make you smile. Let's make this last awhile, oh oh it's Carson style. I think you're beautiful, inside and out."

He stopped singing and looked up at me. "That was amazing." I said shocked. And when I mean shocked, I mean it as, Wow I can't believe someone sang me a song and dedicated it to me.

"Thanks, but Rachell I'm serious. I'm really sorry for leaving you and the whole Maya thing and just everything. Can you please forgive me?" he said with hope in his voice. I sighed.

"Well, I don't know. I think you should give me chocolate and then I'll decide." I laughed. Carson laughed with me.

"If I could, I would give you the world."

"Okay, yeah I forgive you," He smiled.

" Yeah, we're friends again!" I said cheerfully. His smile faded.

"Yep... Friends..." he kind mumbled, but loud enough so I could hear it.

"I have to go. I need to go text Jordyn, so we can go shopping."

"Okay, umm I'll FaceTime you later?" he asked. I nodded and closed my window. I texted Jordyn to come pick me up. I went downstairs and saw Joey and my mom watching tv.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie."

"I'm going to hangout with Jordyn."

"Where are you guys going?" she asked.

"To the mall." I replied.

"Okay and Saturday, you need to babysit Joey." I nodded.

~Five minutes later~

I heard the doorbell rang. I walked towards the door and opened it.

"What's up girl!" Jordyn said.

"Hey!" I closed the door and we walked to Jordyn's car.

"So, are you and Carson okay?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"Yeah." I replied. She squealed.

"That happy?" I said, while chuckling. She nodded. We pulled into the mall's parking lot. Jordyn and I got out. We walked inside the mall.

"L.A. malls are way better and bigger than Ohio's mall!" I said fascinated. Jordyn laughed.

"I have an idea!" She said, while walking towards the shopping cart. She got in the cart. I started pushing it. We both started laughing. I turned into Forever 21.

"OMG, how did you know Forever 21 is my favorite clothing a store?" she said with excitement.

"I didn't, this is my favorite clothing store!" Jordyn smile went huge. We went down the different aisles. Jordyn and I picked different clothes and shoes. When we got done picking our stuff out, we went to the checkout line. We paid for our stuff and headed out.

"We bought so much stuff!" She laughed.

"I know right!" I laughed too. Jordyn and I was laughing so much, we didn't pay attention and we ran into someone.

"Oops, sorry." the guy said, apologetically.

"No it was my fault. I'm sorry." I said and looked up. I saw a brown headed boy.

"My name is Dylan... Oh hey Jordyn!"

"Hey Dylan! Where's Hayden?" she asked.

"He and Carson went to check something out." he replied.

"Carson?" I asked. He nodded. I saw Carson walking back with another boy, who had brown hair. He looked in my direction and he smiled. He started running towards me. He picked me up and hugged me tight but gentle. He put me back down and stared at my eyes. He started to lean in, until...

{what do you guys will happen?? Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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