A New British Boy

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Rachell's POV 

Mom: "Your dad and I are going to drive up to Columbus." 

Luke: "What, why?" 

Dad: "To go Christmas shopping with your mom's parents." 

Mom: "So I want you two, to babysit Joey." 

Luke: "Are our rental cars here?" Dad tossed me the keys and I caught them. 

Luke: "What kind of car?" 

Dad: "A blue four seater Honda." 

Mom: "Ok see you guys later. And don't get into trouble." She kissed my forehead. 

Me: "Bye guys." They closed the door. 

Luke: "Okay, I'm going to go to Carter's house. Somehow he found out that I'm back and he wants to hang out." 

Me: "How did he find out?" 

Luke: "Some girl posted about it over Instagram and Snapchat." He shrugged like he didn't care. I looked at my phone and then back at Luke. 

Me: "Wow... Umm, does Carter know me as your sister?" I nervously laughed, knowing that I was the girl who posted it on Instagram and Snapchat. 

Luke: "Nope." 

Me: "Okay." 

Luke: "Yeah, so give me the keys." He said while reaching for them. 

Me: "Wait, you can't just leave me and Joey here by ourselves. You are basically an adult, and that's not responsible." 

Luke: "Ugh, well do you want to come to Carter's house with me?" 

Me: "Uh, no. I don't even know him. Wait, today is "Girls' Day", Macy and Karlie are at Tiffany's house right now." 

Luke: "So I have to drop you off?" 

Me: "Yup and you're taking Joey." 

Luke: "Got it."

~30 minutes later~

Macy: "I'm so happy you're here!" 

Me: "Me too!" 

Karlie: "Ok, how's it like in Cali?!" 

Me: "Great, but with you guys there, it would be better." 

Tiffany: "Aww!" She smiled. 

Macy: "Okay, what's new when it comes to boys?" 

Karlie: "I got a new boyfriend." 

Tiffany: "I have a crush." 

Me: "I still have a boyfriend." 

Macy: "Wait Karlie, who's your boyfriend?" 

Tiffany: "Yeah four days ago, you were single." 

Karlie: "It's no one." She blushed. 

Me: "Come on! Tell us!" I heard my phone ringing. 

Karlie: "You should answer that!" I playfully rolled my eyes. Knowing she's just trying to find an excuse to stall. I saw it was Johnny asking to FaceTime. I accepted it and Johnny, Hayden, and Carson popped up. 

Me: "Hey guys!" 

Johnny: "Yo, what's up?!" 

Me: "Hanging with the girls!" I pointed the camera at Macy, Karlie, and Tiffany. 

Carson: "I miss you, babe!" 

Me: "I miss you too!" 

Hayden: "Have you been working on any new songs lately?" He smirked. I saw Carson slap Hayden in the back. 

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