Snowball Fights

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Rachell's POV 

Macy: "God, I hate the cold." She said, while walking up the driveway. 

Me: "Same." I said as I saw a big white blur fly right past me. I turned around and saw a snowball hitting Macy square in the neck. She cringed, her shoulders hunching. 

Macy: "Who threw that?!!" She said angrily. Karlie and Tiffany were both pointing at Ian, while smirking. Revenge lit up her blues eyes. 

Macy: "You're gonna pay." She said, while scooping up a ball snow. She threw the snowball, but instead of hitting Ian, it hit me... right in my face. Macy covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes went wide. 

Macy: "I'm so sorry, that wasn't meant for you." I heard Ian laughing his head off. I scooped up some snow and threw it at him. 

Ian: "It's on!" 

Karlie: "Snowball fight!" Tiffany started coming after me. I turned and started hauling myself away across the yard. The splat of wet snow hitting my thigh told me Tiffany was right behind me. I made a wide turn around the house, sailing toward the back yard. I ran smack into Ian coming around to catch me. He caught me by the waist, and we both went tumbling to the ground, sliding against the grass. 

Me: "Ow," I said, rubbing my hip that had crashed into his. Ian had his hand pressed against his chest, laughing. 

Ian: "Oh my god, it's too cold for this." 

Tiffany: "Rachell," she said, standing above us. As I looked up at her, she dropped a handful of snow onto my face. Cold, soaking, wetness smeared down my cheek. I quickly wiped it off. I leaned over Ian, grabbing more snow and tossing it at Tiffany, but she dodged it and started running back around the house. She called out to me, and then made a taunting, sing-song tone as she ran. I jumped up, ready to run, when Ian caught me by the ankle. He did it so quickly, I nearly fell on top of him again. 

Ian: "No, wait," he picked up a handful of snow and got up. 

Ian: "You wait here. I'll chase her back around." This led to each of us scooping up handfuls of snow, making slushy snowballs and flinging them at each other. Karlie joined the game. She caught me and held me up, allowing Tiffany to toss one at me. I tried to get out of her grip, but when Tiffany misfired and caught Karlie in the face, she released me and started running. I circled around, and managed to get up on the porch, where I discovered a fresh bundle of snow collecting in a drift in the corner. I gathered what I could, making a huge ball, and when Karlie was chasing Tiffany in a loop number three around the house, I threw and then ducked. 

Karlie: "Ugh!" She cried out. "Rachell! That was my eye. And my mouth." 

Me: "Oops sorry!" I grinned, and I knew if I stayed where I was, I'd be cornered. I flew over the other side of the porch and started to run, collecting a snowball as I went. I was just aiming right at Karlie's head when I caught one in the ear. I turned to the side and saw Ian wriggling his eyebrows at me. I started chasing him with the snowball. All of a sudden he slipped and fell into the snow. I looked down at him and smirked. I drew my arm back and was about to hit him, but stopped short. Ian was laying still, as if he didn't care if I threw a snowball or not. Well, that takes the fun out of that. I let him get up and I was about to leave and get Karlie, when an evil second thought came to my mind. 😈 I kept my eyes on his. I hooked my finger in the front of his pants and dropped the dripping snowball down the front. 

Ian: "Frick." He said, smacking my hand away and pulling back from me. We heard someone yell, Tiffany's name. We all stopped and saw Tiffany's mom standing at the front door. 

Mrs. Harris: "Guys, come on in. I made you guys some hot chocolate and Christmas cookies."We dropped the snow that was in our hands and ran inside. 

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