The Avengers and Basketball

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"Because, she thinks that you're trying to steal Carson away from her." Johnny said.

"What?" I'm not stealing him away from anyone? What the heck is wrong with her?

"Why would she think that?" I asked.

"Because, you always laugh at him when he does something funny and you're always hanging out with him. That's what Maya told him."

I gave him a stupid look, not to him but to Maya's comment.

"That's what friends do!" I said angrily. Johnny gave me a shocked look.

"Sorry, I'm just mad, not at you though."

He nodded relieved. "We should head back." he said. I nodded and we walked back to the car and got in.

~30 minutes later~

Jordyn's mom dropped me off and Carson got out with me.

"This isn't your house." I chuckled.

"I know, I want to hang out with you a little longer." he smiled.

I nodded. I noticed Jorydn smirking at me and Carson. I gave her the "are you serious" look. She laughed. Carson and Johnny looked at her weird. I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Thanks for taking me to the carnival!" I told Kelly.

"No problem, dear." They drove out of my driveway.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"You have an older brother, right?"

"Yeah, his name is Luke."

"Is he into sports?"

"Yeah, basketball and football. Why do you ask?"

"So you guys have a basketball net and basketballs?"

I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my arm. He dragged me to my backyard and led me to the shed.

"Oh it's locked." he pouted. I rolled my eyes playfully and reached under a rock. I pulled out a key and unlocked the shed. Carson went in and got two basketballs. He handed one to me and he started shooting some hoops. I was about to shoot, until Luke came out.

"Rachell!" Luke called.


"Mom wanted me to tell you that you're going to be homeschooled." I dropped the basketball.


"have you checked your instagram and Twitter lately?"

I shook my head.

"Well, you should." He walked back inside. I got onto my phone and looked on Instagram. I had 750k FOLLOWERS!!!

"I only did three videos, how in the world do I have this many followers?!" I asked, shocked.

"Well, the first one was with Johnny and I, the second one was a music video with Johnny, and the third one was a music video with Jordyn. That's why you have this many followers." Carson informed.

I stood there stunned.

"What about Twitter?" I quickly got onto Twitter and saw that I had 7k followers.

"Just because I have this many followers, I'm getting homeschooled?"

"Read the comments." I looked at some of the comments. Some of them were threats and hate messages and some were, "I'm going to find you and hide you in my closet, you're perfect." That one was weird.

"Okay then. Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure and don't listen to those hate messages, they're just jealous." I nodded. We walked inside and sat on the couch. I looked through Netflix.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"How about Avengers: Age of Ultron?" he suggested.

I nodded.

I got up and went into the kitchen to get some popcorn. I saw Luke sitting at the kitchen table studying.

"What movie are you watching?" he asked.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron."

"Cool, I'm going to watch it with you." He left the kitchen and I got the popcorn out of the microwave. I poured it into a bowl and went into the living room. I sat down in between Carson and Luke. I turned on the movie.

~2 hours and 21 minutes later~

I turned off the tv and looked at the time. Wow it's already 11 p.m. I saw Carson and Luke was asleep, I quietly got up and went into my room. I made my bed and fell asleep instantly.The next day.
I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I don't need this clock anymore, if I'm going to be homeschooled. I grabbed my alarm clock and threw it into my trashcan. I walked back to my bed and laid down, closing my eyes. I suddenly opened my eyes realizing Carson is still here. I quickly went downstairs and saw Carson already up, playing video games with Luke. I went into the kitchen and saw my mom feeding Joey some peaches.

I grabbed myself a breakfast burrito and went to the back patio. I just stared into the distance, one because I'm tired and two, because I'm thinking of me and Carson. Am I stealing Carson away? No, I'm not I'm just being friends with him. But I could be and not be realizing it. I heard someone come out. They sat down beside me.

"Good morning." Carson said.

"Good morning." I was about to ask about Maya, when I heard someone cough behind me. I turned around and saw...

{Who do you think she saw?? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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