Birthday Surprises

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Rachell's POV

I turned around and saw Nathan.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey, I'm sorry about how I acted at Starbucks. I'm really happy for you and Carson."

"Aww, thanks." I said, unsure if he was telling the truth.

"But if he breaks your heart, just call me and I'll come see you."

"Okay but I don't think he'll break my heart."

~2 days later~

We went into a bakery in New York.

"Can we order a big MotorCross cake?" I asked the baker.

"Of course, is this for someone's birthday?" he asked.


"What's the person's name?"


"Alright, the cake will be done in two hours."

"Okay thanks." My mom handed the baker the money. We walked out of the bakery.

"What's next on our list?" Jordyn asked.

"Don't you guys need to buy him a gift?" my mom asked.

"Yes, but what should we get him?" I asked.

"Something that has to do with motorcross?"Jordyn asked, unsure.

"We already have a cake about motorcross."

"How about a L P 700 from future foot?" I suggested.

"Oh my god, he would love that!" Jordyn said.

~2 hours later~

We went to the Gramercy Theatre with the cake, decorations, and his gifts.

"Okay, we'll set up here. When the show is over, I will lead him here and everyone will surprise him." Johnny informed. We all nodded.

"I'll keep him busy, you guys get to work." Johnny said. We nodded and got to work.

"This is going to be awesome!" Jordyn said.

"I know, I'm so excited!" At the corner of my eye I saw Carson standing in the room beside us, with his back facing us.

"Hide! Carson alert!" I whispered. Everyone ran and hid. I heard Carson walk in. Crap, we're going to get busted. I peeked over the table and saw him putting in his earpiece.

"Carson, we're up." Sam told him.

"Okay, dude I think I smell Rachell's perfume." Carson said. Out of instinct, I sniffed my arm.

"You must really miss her."

"Yeah, I do."

"Well she's not here." He winked at me.

"Wait, I have this feeling that she's here." Carson said. Sam started fake laughing.

"Wow, okay focus on the show and not her because she isn't here." They walked out and everyone started getting ready.

"He knows your perfume?" Jordyn asked.

"I guess so."

~1 hour and 20 minutes later~

"Good show everyone!" my mom said. Everyone came in and got into their hiding places.

"You might want to change your perfume." Sam whispered.

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