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Rachell's POV

Me: "Hey John, what did you want to talk about?" 

Johnny: "I don't know..." He said looking down. 

Me: "I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything." 

Johnny: "Okay, I like this girl..." 

Me: "Aww, who's the lucky girl?" 

Johnny: "A good friend of mine." 

Me: "Okay, how long have you known her?" 

Johnny: "Ever since she moved here." 

Me: "You should ask her out." 

Johnny: "I can't." 

Me: "John, if she says no, it's her lost. You are an amazing guy. You are nice, cute, funny, and talented. If she doesn't see any of that, then there's something wrong with her. Any girl would be lucky to date you." He blushed. 

Johnny: "Thanks." 

Me: "No problem." 

Johnny: "She has a boyfriend... and her boyfriend is a friend of mine. I would never steal her from him." He blurted out. 

Me: "Ohh..." 

Johnny: "Yeah... I wish that I asked her out before her boyfriend did. Actually, I wish I asked her out when I first hung out with her." 

Me: "Really?" 

Johnny: "Yeah." 

Me: "Why? I mean if you first hung out with her, you probably didn't know her well." 

Johnny: "I know, but she was cute when she sang with me." 

Me: "Aww, she sang with you?" 

Johnny: "Yeah, we sang One Last Time by Ariana Grande." 

Me: "Really? That's the same song we sung with Cars after the Taco Bell challenge." 

Johnny: "Ohh yeah... you remember that?" 

Me: "Of course, that's when we first hung out... Just like your crush..." I whispered the last part. I realized that I could be his crush. I can't be the "crush"? Can I? No, no, no, it's definitely not me. He only likes me as a friend and I only like him as a friend. He likes somebody else. 

Me: "How long have you liked her?" 

Johnny: "About a week ago." Okay, about a week ago was the Hunger Games premiere. He probably hung out with another girl that day, right? 

Me: "When did you like her, about a week ago?" Please don't say the premiere, please don't say the premiere. I kept repeating in my mind. 

Johnny: "It was the night of the premiere." Really? I said please. Okay maybe it was before we hung out. 

Me: "Do I know her?" 

Johnny: "Ummm... uhh... yeah..." 

Me: "I do?" Who do I know that has a boyfriend? Jordyn and Nic used to date. Wait, no it can't be her. She lived in LA before Johnny did. Is it Brooke? Does Brooke have a boyfriend? Does Lily have a boyfriend? Could it be Leticia? I mean Hayden and her are basically a thing. Johnny did live here before Leticia did. Johnny said he liked her when she moved here, and Lericia did move her a couple of months ago. Leticia was there at the night of the premiere! 

Me: "Well, I'm really sorry. I mean maybe if her and her boyfriend breaks up, you can be there for her and she might see how a great guy you are." 

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