Wakeboarding With the Guys

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Rachell's POV 

I turned over in my sleep and my face hit something. It smells like... vanilla? Wait that's what Carson smells like. (A/N; I'm guessing. I don't know, since I never met him. But let's pretend he smells like vanilla.) Why is Carson in the same bed as me? Or am I in the same bed as him? I quickly opened my eyes. I got blinded by light. Where the heck am I? Once my eyes adjusted, I saw I was laying beside Carson on the blanket from last night. I looked over to the lake and saw Jackson wake boarding with some people. I reached for my phone and looked at the time, wow it's 11 am. I started to get up when I got pulled back down. Carson tighten his grip on me. 

Carson: "Don't leave me." He mumbled. 

Me: "I'm just go-" 

Carson: "Why would you choose him over me?" He mumbled. Is he talking in his sleep? And is he talking about me? 

Carson: "Please, I need you Rachell." He hugged me tighter. Okay that answer both of my questions. 

Me: "Cars, wake up." I said, while tapping him on the arm. He groaned but still stayed asleep. Fine, we'll do it the sleeping beauty way. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I opened my eyes and saw him opening his eyes. He stared at me for a moment before closing his eyes again and deepening the kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

Carson: "Good... morning..." He said in between kisses. 

Me: "You... too..." I heard a dog barking. I quickly opened my eyes and tried to look behind Carson, but it was difficult since we were still kissing. All of a sudden, I see Moji jumping over Carson and landing behind me. I pulled back and petted Moji. 

Carson: "What time is it?" 

Me: "11." 

Carson: "Want to get some breakfast?" 

Me: "Yeah. Nice dream by the way." 

Carson: "Did I talk in my sleep?" 

I nodded. Me: "I won't leave you." 

Carson: "Again." 

Me: "That wasn't my fault. Madison should have kept herself away." He laughed and got up and held out his hand. 

Carson: "Speaking of Madison, why are you still friends with her?" 

Me: "What?" I said, while taking his hand and he pulled me up. 

Carson: "She kissed me, she basically caused our break up, and you're still friends with her." 

Me: "Yes, she kissed you, but she only did it because NATHAN told her wrong information." 

Carson: "Oh right, I forgot about him." We walked inside and sat at the kitchen table. 

Diane: "Good morning lovebirds." 

Me: "Good morning." 

Diane: "I'm making some pancakes. They will be done in a little bit. For now you guys can hang out by the lake." 

Carson: "Okay. Come on." He took my hand and lead me back outside. 

Carson: "Let's go wake boarding." 

Me: "Okay." I took off my crop top and my shorts. It's kind of a good thing I didn't change out of these clothes. Carson handed me a safety vest. 

Carson: "Do you want to go first or do you want to ride in the boat?" 

Me: "I'll ride in the boat and then I'll go." 

Carson: "Okay." I climbed into the boat with Jackson and Carson got on the board. 

Jackson: "Let's see, how fast shall we go?" He smirked. He started moving the boat. 

Jackson: "So, why did you guys sleep outside?" 

Me: "I don't know. It was late and I guess we just fell asleep after eating pizza." 

Jackson: "Oh okay. I heard you might go to the same entertainment school as Carson." 

Me: "Yeah maybe." 

Jackson: "Are you excited for school?" 

Me: "No, I think I like being homeschooled." 

Jackson: "Do you not like public schools?" 

Me: "I think this is a private school because you have to wear the school's shirt." 

Jackson: "Oh yeah, Carson got his shirt already." 

Me: "I still need to get mine." 

Jackson: "Are you a sophomore?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

Jackson: "Cool, I'm a sophomore too." 

Me: "Nice." 

Jackson: "Does your school have homecoming?" 

Me: "I hope." 

Jackson: "Maybe Carson will have the guts to ask you if you do." 

Me: "Yeah." 

Jackson: "Who was that guy that asked you at your old school?" 

Me: "Umm, Jaden." 

Jackson: "Cool. You two are trending on Twitter. Except no one knows who the guy is." He chuckled. 

Me: "Yeah. Only you and John Glenn High School knows." He laughed. 

Jackson: "Does Carson know." He looked back at Carson. I followed his gaze and I looked right at Carson. He was doing jumps. Should I feel bad that he doesn't know? 

Me: "No. He hasn't asked, so I don't think he cares." 

Jackson: "He hasn't asked? I thought he would since he has a big jealousy problem." He chuckled. 

Me: "Yeah, I've noticed." He laughed. 

Jackson: "You know, you're really cool." 

Me: "Thanks, so are you." He brought the boat back to the dock. 

Carson: "You want to try?" 

Me: "Sure." He handed me the board and I put my feet in the shoes. I grabbed the rope handle. 

Jackson: "Ready?" I nodded. Hopefully I won't drown.

{I so badly want to wake board with Carson and Jackson. I also want to wake up outside with Carson by the lake. 😭 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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