He's Back

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Rachell's POV 

Me: "I'll text you later." 

Person: "Okay, I'm surprised you never deleted my number." 

Me: "I was thinking about it, but every time I looked at it, it would remind me of our funny texts and conservations." He chuckled. 

Person: "Remember when we played "Life" for hours?" 

Me: "Yeah, after that I never played it again." 

Person: "Yeah, I think I'm tired off it." I laughed. 

Person: "Well you might wanna head back, I saw Jordyn watching us." He chuckled. Jordyn was spying on us? 

Me: "Okay see ya." I waved goodbye. I walked back to the car and opened the back door. 

Jordyn: "Why?!" 

Me: "What?" 

Jordyn: "Why would you talk to him? Don't you remember what he did!? And just how is h-" 

Me: "I remember what he did. I can talk to whoever I want. And I'm wondering that exact same thing. How is he back? And why were you spying on us?" 

Jordyn: "How did you see me? I was hidden." 

Me: "He saw you." 

Jordyn: "He never looked!" 

Me: "He probably saw you in the corner of his eye." 

Jordyn: "Anyways, did he apologize?" 

Me: "Yes and I forgave him, even tho I never told him. Dang it! I forgot to tell him!" 

Jordyn: "He's gone now." 

Me: "Whatever, I'll just text him." 

Jordyn: "He gave you his number again?" 

Me: "No, I kept it." 

~1 hour later~

Carson, Jordyn, Dylan, Hayden and I were hanging out by the pool. 

Jorydn: "You guys will never believe who Rachell talk to at the park." 

Hayden: "Was it a celebrity?" 

Jordyn: "Nope." 

Carson: "Babe, who was it?" I looked at him. Would he be mad at me that I talked to him and forgave him? I took a deep breath. 

Me: "It was..." Luke came bursting through the back door. 

Luke: "Rachell, Liam is here. He said he's got news!" 

Me: "Jordyn, don't tell them. I want to." She nodded. I got up and ran inside. 

Me: "Hey Liam!" 

Liam: "Hey Rach! People are going crazy on your EP!" 

Me: "In a good way or a bad way?" 

Liam: "Good way! People love your songs, that they want you to write another single!" 

Me: "Okay, it's gonna take some time." 

Liam: "Right, and they want you to collab with some other artists. Do you have any artists in mind that you would like to work with?" 

Me: "Shawn Mendes." 

Liam: "Okay, I'll try to get hold of him. But is there anyone else that you also would like to work with?" I looked back through the windows that lead to the back patio. 

Me: "Yeah, I'd like to work with Carson." 

Liam: "Alright, tell me when you got that song down and I'll see ya later." 

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