Trust Issues

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Rachell's POV

~1 day later~

Today was Halloween day at school. Carson dressed up as Kobe Bryant and I dressed up as a spy. I wore a black beanie, black skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, which I pulled up the sleeves halfway, black combat boots, black gloves, and shades. I wore a belt that holded a fake gun and grappling hook. Now, I'm in my room staring at my broken phone. I swear it's mocking me. It's been a day without my phone... I can't live like this! I did get birthday money, maybe my dad will be willing to pay for some of it? I grabbed my broken phone and walked downstairs to my dad's office. 

Me: "Hey dad." 

Dad: "Hey honey." 

Me: "My phone broke, I have money so can I buy another one?" 

Dad: "You have $700?" 

Me: "No." 

Dad: "Then how can you buy one?" 

Me: "I have $100, maybe you can pay for the rest?" 

Dad: "How did you break your phone anyways?" Now comes the part I didn't want to get to. 

Me: "It fell in water." 

Dad: "Did you drop it in the toilet, like your brother?" I laughed. 

Me: "Luke dropped his phone in the toilet?!" 

Dad: "Oh he didn't tell you. Uh... ignore what I just said." 

Me: "Fine, but no I didn't drop it in the toilet." 

Dad: "You dropped it in the pool?" 

Me: "Uhh, yeah let's go with that." 

Dad: "Okay, I'll help pay for your new phone." 

Me: "Yes! Thanks dad!" I hugged him. 

Dad: "Got to get the money from the emergency jar." 

Me: "Okay." He walked out and a few minutes later, he came back with money. 

Dad: "Since you are already hooked up, just buy the phone." 

Me: "Okay." I took the money. 

Dad: "Wait, what phone are you getting?" 

Me: "Can I get the iPhone 6s plus?" 

Dad: "Fine. But you owe me back the money." 

Me: "But I don't have a job." 

Dad: "YouTube and music is now your job. Remember $600 is what you owe." 

Me: "Okay." I walked into the garage and got in my car. 

~skipping car ride~

I went into the Apple Store in the mall. 

Man: "Hello, how can I help you?" 

Me: "Need to buy a new phone. My other phone broke." I showed him my broken phone. 

Man: "How did this happen?" 

Me: "My friend pushed me into water and didn't know my phone was in my back pocket." 

Man: "Oh, well do you have an idea on what phone you want?"

Me: "Yes, I'd like the iPhone 6s plus." 

Man: "Good choice. What color?" 

Me: "Gold." 

Man: "Another good choice." He smiled. He took one out. 

Man: "What phone service are you hooked up to? 

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