Finding Out The Truth

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Rachell's POV

I quickly turned back around. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I kept repeating in my mind. I heard him sat down in the seat next to me. This is happening. I sighed. "What do you want." I asked, my voice cracking. Crap, I'm getting emotional. This is hard trying to talk to the guy who hurt you. I got to be strong.

"I want to talk." he said. Sorry buddy, you are a distraction right now. You gotta leave.

"There's nothing to talk about. I saw what I saw and that's that." My voice cracked again.

"But I'm completely confused on what you saw. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Oh, don't play dumb. I took out my phone and showed him the pic.

"That's what I saw." I stated.

"Let me explain."

"Explain what?! I saw the whole thing! There's nothing to explain!" Jordyn said. You go girl! Jordyn is the greatest friend ever.

"That's why you rushed them out?" he asked.

"Yeah, I saw you kissing that girl. Who is she? Your other girlfriend?" Jordyn asked.

"I don't have another girlfriend. Rachell was my only girl and still is my girl." Ugh, the way he says 'my girl' is killing me.

"Then who was that girl?" Jordyn asked.

"I don't know, she said her name was Madison." My eyes went wide. Did he just say, Madison? My Madison went to the New York show. It can't be Madison, can it?

"Madison what?" I asked.

"She never said a last name but she gave me her number." he said, taking out a piece of paper. He handed it to me. I looked at it.

"Wait, why would you keep it?" Jordyn asked. She has a point, why would he?

"I stuck it in my pocket and I forgot to take it out." he informed.

"This number looks familiar." I said, taking out my phone. I scrolled through all of my contacts. I tapped on Madison's contact. Her number was the same on the piece of paper.

"You kissed my best friend?!" I said with anger in my voice. He quickly got off his seat and backed up.

"She kissed me, I swear!" he said.

"I want to believe you."

"Please you have to. I would never lie to you."

"I'll call Madison to see." I called Madison and put her on speaker.


"Did you kiss Carson Lueders at the New York concert?" I asked.

"On the lips? Heck yeah! But he gave me the weirdest look. I thought he would be happy because he has a huge crush on me, well that's what Nathan said."

"Nathan told you that?" I looked over at Jordyn. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were wide.

"Yep." I hung up. I looked over at Carson.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay, you didn't know." He hugged me.

"I can't believe Nathan would do that." Jordyn said, in disbelief.

"I knew he didn't like Carson and I's relationship, I just didn't think he would try to break us up."

"well it worked. What are you going to do?" Jordyn asked.

"It's revenge time." I smirked.

"Wait, does that mean we're back together?" Carson asked.

"Yes." I hugged him.

{Nathan got busted!! 😂 What do you guys want Rachell's revenge to be?? Carson and Rachell are back together!!! 😄 Sorry that it's short. 😁 Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways! 😊}

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