Rachell the Cheater

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Hayden's POV

Me: "Finally, it's Friday!" We walked out of school. 

Johnny: "Where's Carson and Rachell?" 

Lauren: "There's Carson," she pointed down the main hallway. 

Johnny: "I'm ready for some Taco Bell." 

Me: "Same." 

Carson: "Hey guys!" 

Johnny: "Are coming with us?" 

Carson: "Where are we going?" 

Lauren: "Taco Bell." 

Carson: "Yeah, I'm in. Let's wait for Rach." 

Me: "Rach?" He nodded. 

Johnny: "Is that supposed to be her nickname?" 

Carson: "No, I'm just shortening her name. Like, how she calls me Cars." 

Me: "You should give her an actual nickname." 

Lauren: "Yeah, it'll be cute." 

Carson: "Okay, umm what should her nickname be?" 

Johnny: "She's your girlfriend. You need to come up with it on your own." 

Carson: "How about Rach Baby?" 

Me: "Uhh, no." 

Carson: "Umm, Pookie?" 

Johnny: "What?" 

Carson: "No? Okay, how about Peanut?" 

Lauren shook her head no. 

Carson: "Princess?" 

Johnny: "That's a common name. Do something unique." 

Carson: "Trouble?" 

Me: "Why Trouble?" I felt a hand touch my shoulder. 

"Who's in trouble?" I heard a voice asked, behind me. I turned around and saw Rachell standing there. 

Johnny: "No one, Carson is trying to come up with a nickname for you." 

Rachell: "Umm, and he said Trouble?" 

Carson: "Not because you are trouble or you get into trouble. It was the first thing that came to my mind." He rubbed the back of his neck. 

Rachell: "Oh umm okay. So where are we going for lunch?" 

Me: "Taco Bell." 

Rachell: "Nice." 

Carson's POV

~30 minutes later~

Hayden: "Bro, you just broke my taco." 

Johnny: "Oops sorry." Hayden reached over and squished Johnny's other taco. 

Johnny: "Dude!" Hayden laughed. Hayden turned his head and looked at me evilly. 

Me: "Bro, don't do it." 

Hayden: "I'm not gonna do it." 

Johnny: "Did you guys here about the talent show?" 

Lauren: "No." 

Johnny: "There's one coming up, but the auditions are next Friday after school." 

Hayden: "You should audition." 

Johnny: "Anyone else want to audition?" 

Me: "I probably will. It depends." 

Johnny: "Depends on what?" 

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