Maya the Bully?

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*The picture above is Maya*

The girl from the airport spotted me and walked to our table.

"Oh my god, is that you Carson?" She said in a high pitched voice.

"Maya?" he said shocked.

"OMG, it's been like forever since I saw you!"

"I know! How have you been?"

"I've been good. Who is she?" She pointed at me and glared.

"This is Rachell." he smiled.

"Is she your girlfriend?" she asked.  I smiled, hoping he would say yes.

"No, she is just a friend." he replied. My smiled faded. I know we just met, but I feel like we have some chemistry.

"Do you want to hang out and I mean like right now?" she asked.

"I'm kind of hanging out..." She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his seat before he could finish his sentence. They walked out the door. What the heck! Maya is all kinds of rude! I got up and left. Once I went outside of Starbucks, I saw Carson and Maya hugging. She kissed him on the cheek and he smiled. I felt tears in my eyes and I ran to my house.

I slammed the front door and went up to my room. I saw my mom had finished decorating my room. I still had a few things to put away. I slid down my wall and started crying. 20 minutes later my mom came in.

"Honey, are you okay?" she asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because you slammed the front door and you're crying."

"Okay, it's about Carson!"

"What did he do?" She said angrily. "

"He didn't do anything, it's this Maya girl who thinks she can control Carson!" All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

"That better not be Carson!" My mom looked out my window.

"It's not Carson. But, you should go answer the door because I have to finish unpacking." I nodded and went downstairs. I opened the door to see...

{What do you guys think of Maya and Carson?? And who do you think is at the door?? Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3! 😃}

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