Water Balloon Fight

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Rachell's POV

Me: "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

Carson: "What?"

Me: "You want to talk about our relationship, when people say that, that means they want to end it. I bet you're breaking up with me beca-" I got interrupted by Carson placing his lips on mine. I just stared at him. Wait what? He doesn't want to break up or he does? Carson pulled away.

Carson: "I'm not breaking up with you." I sighed in relief.

Carson: "I wanted to talk about Corey."

Me: "Oh... Why?"

Carson: "He obviously likes you as a "girlfriend", but how do you feel about him?"

Me: "He's just a friend. I only like him as a friend."

Carson: "Okay good." I nodded.

Carson: "How's come you never answered Jordyn's question?"

Me: "What question?"

Carson: "Do you think Corey is cute?"

Me: "Oh...."

Carson: "Well?"

Me: "If I do say he's cute, it'll hurt you, and if I don't say he's cute, it'll be like I'm saying he's ugly."

Carson: "So?"

Me: "Can't I just ignore the question?"

Carson: "If that's what you want."

Me: "It is what I want."

Carson: "But it's not what I want."

Me: "You want an answer?" He nodded.

Me: "Fine, I think he's cute." His smile faded and he looked down.

Me: "Didn't let me finish, he's cute, but nothing compared to you." He lifted his head up and smiled.

Carson: "Don't do that! You seriously hurt me. I thought you thought he was cuter than me!" I laughed. He stood up and pulled me up.

Me: "Do you think any other girl is cute?"

Carson: "No, other than this one girl I met."

Me: "Who is she?"

Carson: "A girl I met over the summer," Please tell me it's not Maya....

Carson: "She's really beautiful and cute," That hurt...

Carson: "She's this crazy, brave girl, that's not afraid of anything. She's also really talented and she can be such a tease sometimes. She drives me crazy, but in a good way. Her smile can light up a room," That killed me...

Carson: "And I'm looking at her right now." I started blushing.

Me: "Oh my god, Stoooopppp!" I playfully pushed him away.

Carson: "I love you."

Me: "I love you too." I heard the back patio door open.

Luke: "Yo Rachell, are you re-" he stopped short. "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? You guys weren't going to kiss or anything?"

Me: "No."

Luke: "Okay, anyways are you ready?"

Me: "For what?"

Luke: "Meeting up with Matt and Marsh."

Me: "Oh yeah." I let go of Carson and walked inside.

Me: "Cars, you wanna join?"

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