Kissing Under the Mistletoe

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Rachell's POV

I walked back to Carson. 

Me: "Hey, you okay?" 

Carson: "Yeah..." 

Me: "There's nothing going on between me and Johnny. I don't like him in that way." He smiled. 

Carson: "Really?" 

Me: "Yes." 

Carson: "Good, I thought I might lose you." 

Me: "There is no guy in the world that could steal my heart from you. You have my heart." 

Carson: "I've earned it?" 

Me: "Remember the day I moved here and you asked me to go to Starbucks with you?" 

Carson: "Yeah." 

Me: "That's when you had my heart." 

Carson: "And you had my heart when we sat together on the plane." 

Me: "Yup. So are we good?" 

Carson: "Yeah." He pulled me into a hug.

~1 week later~

I pulled into Johnny's driveway. I grabbed Lauren, Johnny, and Darian's Christmas gifts. I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door. Johnny opened the door. 

Johnny: "Hey, what's up?" 

Me: "Just dropping everyone's Christmas gifts. Speaking of, here's your guys' gifts. Don't open them until Christmas morning." 

Johnny: "Thanks, but why are you dropping them off this early in the month?" 

Me: "I'm heading to Ohio tomorrow and won't be back until January the first." His smile faded away, but he quickly brought it back. 

Johnny: "Oh, well thanks. And have a safe trip." 

Me: "Thanks." I waved goodbye. Next stop Dylan and Hayden's apartment.

~1 hour later~

I finally got done giving everyone their gifts. Now, I'm helping putting up Christmas decorations. 

Luke: "It's finally Christmas break!" He said while running down the stairs. 

Dad: "Yes, now help us put up the decorations." 

Luke: "But I'm meeting up with Ashley." 

Me: "Wait, I thought you were dating a girl name Tiffany?" 

Luke: "It didn't work out." 

Dad: "You can meet Ashley later." 

Luke: "But Carson is already helping. You guys have enough help and we won't even-" 

Dad: "Luke." He gave Luke a look. 

Luke: "Okay fine." 

Mom: "Just because we aren't going to be here, doesn't mean we can't show some Christmas spirit." Luke grabbed some Christmas lights and headed outside. 

Me: "Dad..."

 Dad: "I'm on it," He quickly ran out the front door. "Luke, wait! Let me help you!" He said before the front door closed. 

Mom: "That might have been disastrous. We don't need that to happen... Again." She chuckled. 

Me: "Agreed." I chuckled. 

Carson: "What happened?" He said looking curious. 

Me: "Last year, Luke accidentally set the house on fire by putting up the Christmas lights." Carson's eyes went wide. 

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