The Kiss

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Rachell's POV

~1 day later~

I walked back to my house. Last night was fun! We watched a lot of movies, we talked about boys, and Jordyn even started a pillow fight. Typical Jordyn. I walked inside and went up to my room. I heard my door opened and I saw Luke pop his head in. 

Luke: "Hey." 

Me: "Hey." 

Luke: "Wanna get into the pool?" I looked at the time. My phone said 11:30. 

Me: "Yeah sure, but at 1:00 I need to leave." 

Luke: "Why?" 

Me: "Dylan is going to pick me up." 

Luke: "I thought you were dating Carson?" 

"I am." I said confused. 

Luke: "Then why is Dylan picking you up?" 

Me: "Carson, Nic, Hayden, and Jordyn will be in the car too." He nodded. 

Luke: "Okay good, at first I thought you were cheating on him." My mouth fell opened. I can't believe he just said that! I threw a pillow at him. 

"I'm not that kind of girl!" I said angry. 

Luke: "Sorry!" He walked out. I picked out a cute bikini and put it on. I pulled my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and turned on the Justin Bieber shuffle. The first song that came on was As Long As You Love Me. I started singing along. I walked downstairs and out to the back patio. 

Luke: "It took you long enough!" He laughed. 

Me: "I'm a girl, girls take their time!" He threw his hands in defeat. I laughed. I turned up the music. 

Luke: "Oh no, are you playing Justin Bieber?" 

Me: "You know me so well." I chuckled. 

Luke: "He isn't talented." My mouth fell opened and I glared at him. He walked over to the ledge and tested out the water. I quietly walked over to him and pushed him in. He popped out of the water. 

Luke: "What the heck?!" 

Me: "Don't say my future husband isn't talented!" He laughed. 

Luke: "Are you going to get in?" I nodded and got in.

~1 hour and 30 minutes later~

Luke went underwater and lifted me up on his shoulders. 

Luke: "Wanna ride?" 

Me: "Yeah." He started swimming around the pool with me on his shoulders. 

Luke: "I have an idea!" 

Me: "What is it?" 

Luke: "I should throw you off my shoulders!" 

Me: "Luke don't you dare! I'll be leaving soon and I can't get my hair wet!" 

Luke: "Haha, you totally know I'm gonna do it, no matter what you say!" 

Me: "Lucas Drew Gr-" I got thrown into the water before I could finish my sentence.

Carson's POV

Dylan pulled into Rachell's driveway. 

Dylan: "Someone tell her we're here." 

Jordyn: "I will." She took out her phone and started texting. A couple minutes have passed and Rachell never replied. 

Jordyn: "Hmm, I'll call her." 

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