It Should've Been Me

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Rachell's POV: (Point of view)

I turned around and saw Maya glaring at me.

"Umm, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, what are you doing with my man?" she snapped.

"Uhh, talking."

"Hmm, about what?" she glared.

"Nothing, all we said so far is, good morning."

"Whatever, so Carson I'm going to the pool right now, want to come and leave her?"

"Why would I leave her and go with you?"

Maya gasped.

"Because, she can't sing, she's ugly and I'm amazing!" she said cruely. I felt tears in my eyes. Why would she say those things? I got up and ran down my driveway. I heard Carson calling my name, but I just kept going.

Carson's POV:

Rachell got up and ran down her driveway.

"Rachell!!!" I called. She didn't turn around, she just kept going. I turned back around to Maya.

"Well now that she is gone, ready to go to the-" Maya said

"No!" I interrupted. She looked at me shocked.

"Did you not just hear yourself a minute ago?!"

"What did I say?" she said, clueless.

"You said Rachell can't sing and that she is ugly, when she has the most beautiful voice and is beautiful inside and out! Also, I'm not your man!"

She just stared at me. I rolled my eyes at her and ran down Rachell's driveway. I ran in the direction she ran too.

~5 minutes later~

I saw Rachell sitting on a bench in the park.

"Rachell!" I called. She looked up at me. My heart dropped. Just looking at the hurt in her eyes kills me. I quickly ran into the road to get over to her, when I felt this impact hitting my leg.

"NO!" Rachell cried out. That was the last thing I heard until everything went black.

Rachell's POV:

I ran over to Carson, who was laying on the road. The person who hit him was calling the ambulance. I laid my head on Carson's stomach and cried my eyes out. I felt someone pick me up. I looked up and saw the paramedics. They quickly lifted Carson into the ambulance.

"He's going to be okay, trust me." the paramedic said with sympathy. A police officer walked towards me.

"Miss, can you please tell me how he got hurt?" the officer asked. I nodded and told him everything. He nodded and walked away. The ambulance drove away and the police officer took me home. My mom and Luke came out of the house. I ran up to my mom and hugged her tight.

"What happened?" she asked.

"A car hit Carson." I told her. She hugged me even tighter.

"It's going to be okay."

~1 hour later~

I sat on the couch staring blankly at the tv. This is all my fault! I shouldn't have ran away! I hope he's okay. That should have been me who got hit by the car not him! I heard my mom talking to someone on the phone. My mom came into the living room.

"That was Diane on the phone." she said. I quickly got up from the couch.

"What did she say?!" I asked.

"She said that we can come see him, but he is in a coma and has a broken leg." she informed. Luke and I ran straight to the car. My mom quickly got in and we drove to the hospital.

~20 minutes later~

We ran inside the hospital and I ran to a nurse.

"I'm here to see Carson Lueders." I told her.

"Are you family?" she asked, not looking up from her clipboard.


"Room 103." I nodded and signaled Luke and my mom to follow me. I finally found Room 103. I quietly opened the door. I saw Diane, Olivia, Jackson, Jordyn, and Jordyn's mom. Where's Carson's dad? I saw a man come out of the bathroom. That must be his dad. I walked over to Jordyn and she hugged me. After a few minutes the doctor came in.

"Like I said before he is in a coma, but when he wakes up he probably won't remember 2 years of his life." the doctor informed us. My eyes went wide and Jordyn hugged me even tighter.

"Remember the doc did say probably." she said.

~30 minutes later~

Carson's POV:

I woke up slowly and saw a bright light in my eyes.

"AHHHH, THE LIGHT!" I yelled. I quickly covered my eyes. I felt sudden movements everywhere and then people hugging me.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital." my mom said. All the memories came back to me when I got hit by a car. In my mind I saw a girl, but she was kind of blurry. A girl walked up to me, who didn't look familiar.

" Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Who are you?" I asked. She just stared at me.

"I'm Rachell, you don't remember me?"

{What do you guys think about Carson not remembering Rachell? I literally cried writing this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊}

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