Skyzone Fails and Plane Tickets

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Rachell's POV

"Hey, what's up?" Jordyn asked.

"Just got home from the recording studio." I replied.

"You have two songs and I didn't hear one of them. Okay that's nice."

"Fine, come over and I will play them. I have the discs."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay see you then."


I hung up and got on Instagram. I saw Carson posted a pic. It was a pic of me. The caption read; "Missin' my girl right now 😔❤️". I liked and commented, "Miss ya too 😔😘". The door opened and Luke came in.

"Jordyn is here." Luke said.

"Okay." I got off my bed and walked downstairs.

"Finally, the guys are waiting and I really want to hear the songs."

"Okay." We went upstairs and I played the songs.

~6 minutes later~

"Wow, those songs are fantastic!" Jordyn said.

"Thanks." We walked back downstairs and went into the living room. I grabbed my bag. My mom rushed into the living room with a huge smile on her face.

"Honey, there you are!" my mom said.


"Guess what I got you?!"

"What!" I said excitedly.

"Plane tickets and concert tickets!"

"Wait to where!?"

"New York and Popnation!" she said. I screamed. She handed me the tickets.

"You can bring one friend." my mom informed. I handed Jordyn a plane ticket and concert ticket.

"I can't believe I'm going to New York!" Jordyn screamed.

"Are you coming, mom?"

"Yes. Your dad and brothers are staying here."

"Thanks mom, this is amazing." I hugged her.

"You're welcome honey. I knew you were missing Carson, so I got you the tickets so you can see him again."

"Plus I get to see him on his birthday. I can surprise him!"

"Oh my god, can you imagine the look on his face? He would be so surprised!" Jordyn said.

"I know!"

"Okay, he usually FaceTimes, so we can't answer or he will see us in the plane or in a hotel room." Jordyn informed.


"I've already talked to Johnny Wright and he is going to help with organizing the surprise party." my mom said.

"This is going to be great." I said.

"Yeah, but in order to get there, you have to start packing. You too, Jordyn."

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." my mom replied.

Jordyn walked out the front door and I walked up the stairs and went into my room. I got out my suitcase and walked to my closet.

"Mom!" I called.


"How long are staying?!"

"8 days!"


~1 hour later~

I zipped up my suitcase and laid it on the floor.

"Finally, I'm done." I said to myself.

I got a text from Madison.

"You will never believe where I'm going?!"

"Where?" I texted back.

"New York! I'm going to see Carson Lueders! Maybe I'll have a conversation with him and he will fall in love with me! Yeah you have no idea how much I'm in love with this guy!"

I forgot to tell her that I have a boyfriend and it's Carson. I was about to text back when Jordyn came in.

"I'm done packing, how about you?"

"I'm done too." Jordyn: "Great, let's go hang out with the guys."

"Okay." I put my phone on the charger and went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out and call Jordyn's phone to reach me, because my phone is on the charger." I said.

"Okay honey."

~30 minutes later~

We arrived at Sky Zone.

"Jordyn and Rachell, you guys should do backflips at the same time." Dylan said, with amused in his eyes.

"Okay." We said and flipped at the same time.

"How do you guys even do that?" he asked, and tried to flip, but landed landed in his face. Jordyn and I cracked up laughing.

"Check this out, I'm going to do parkour." Nic said, he started jumping on the orange platforms. On the last one, he slipped and landed on his face.

"Oh my god, that was funny." Dylan said, laughing.

"Do a flip again." I asked Dylan.

"No way."

"I'll try to do a flip." Nic said. He did the flip but landed on his head. We all started laughing.

"Who's hungry?" Jordyn asked. We all said, "me."

"Let's get some sushi." Nic said. We all nodded. I grabbed my bag, when I heard a voice call my name.

{Who do you think called her? Rachell and Jordyn is going to surprise Carson at his New York concert! Also, Madison really likes Carson and is going to the show. Do you think she will figure out Rachell and Carson is a thing. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. 😊}

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