Did You Seriously Just Ruin My Phone?

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Rachell's POV 

Me: "I'm hungry." 

Nic: "Me too." 

Me: "Are you up for some Mod Pizza?" 

Nic: "Sure, but I don't want to walk all the way there." I jingled my car keys in front of him. 

Nic: "You have a license?!" 

Me: "Yep, I got it a couple of weeks ago." 

Nic: "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go get some pizza!" 

~1 hour later~

Me: "Today was fun." 

Nic: "Yeah, it was." 

Me: "What do you want to do now?" 

Nic: "Wanna hike?" 

Me: "Sure." 

Jordyn's POV

Carson and Sean was wrestling on the bed. I quickly took out my phone and got on snapchat. 

Me: "Rachell, this is your boyfriend. You're dating a crazy person!" I laughed. I posted the video on snapchat. 

Carson: "I'm not crazy." He laughed. 

Lily: "Let's play truth or dare!" 

Me: "Yeah!" 

Sean: "Can I go first?" 

Me: "Sure." 

Sean: "Will, truth or dare?" 

Will: "Dare." 

Sean: "I dare you to drink whatever Jordyn and Lily makes you." 

Will: "That's gross but okay." Lily and I made Will a drink with ketchup, mayo, orange juice, and shredded cheese. 

Me: "Here ya go!" 

Will: "Gross!" He slowly drank it. 

Will: "I'm gonna puke." He said in disgust. 

Will: "Carson, truth or dare?" 

Carson: "Dare!" 

Will: "I dare you to call Rachell and tell her she looks hot, and then instantly hang up." 

Carson: "How about instead of saying hot, I say beautiful?" 

Will: "Nope." 

Carson: "But, I don't think it's cool to say a girl is hot. I think it's better to say beautiful because you're referring to the outside and inside. When you say hot, you're referring to her looks." 

Will: "It's nice that you care, but you picked dare and this is your dare." 

Sean: "Just do it." Carson looked up at me. 

Carson: "Will she get mad or disappointed?" 

Me: "I don't know." 

Will: "Just do it!" 

Carson: "Okay fine." He took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. 

Carson: "Here goes nothing." He put his phone up to his ear.

~A minute later~

Carson: "She didn't pick up." 

Will: "Man, I wanted her to call back so we could hear her reaction!" 

Carson: "I wonder why she didn't answer?" 

Me: "I'll call her. Maybe she didn't hear her phone ring." I called Rachell. It just kept ringing and it went into voicemail. 

Me: "Went into voicemail."

Lily: "She's probably busy hanging out with Nic." 

Me: "Can everyone stop mentioning Nic!" Everyone went silent. 

Sean: "Why?" 

Me: "Nevermind." 

Will: "Oh I get it, she misses him." Yeah, you're half right.

Rachell's POV 

Nic and I reached the top of the waterfall. 

Nic: "I dare you to jump in." 

Me: "Heck no!" I chuckled. 

Nic: "We can jump in together." 

Me: "Nah, you can." 

Nic: "Why don't you want to?" 

Me: "The sun is setting. We're gonna be cold." 

Nic: "Don't you have towels?" 

Me: "Yeah, I have back up towels in the back." I saw him smirk. 

Me: "Nic..." He grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. 

Nic: "Cannonball!" 

Me: "NIC!!" He jumped off the ledge and we splashed into the water. I resurfaced and saw a smirking Nic. I splashed water in his face. I got out of the water, with Nic following. I turned around to face him. He looked shocked/guilty. 

Me: "What?" I asked confused. 

Nic: "Please don't hurt me, but I didn't know your phone was in your pocket." My eyes went wide. My phone was in my pocket?! I thought I left it in my car! I slowly took out my phone. I pushed the home button, it wouldn't turn on. 

Me: "My phone!" 

Nic: "I'm so sorry!" 

Me: "It's fine, you didn't know." 

Nic: "I'll buy you a new one." 

Me: "No, it's fine." 

Nic: "It's getting dark, we might want to head back." 

Me: "Yeah."

Jordyn's POV

Carson: "I've been trying to get a hold of Rachell, but she won't respond." 

Me: "Same here." 

Lily: "I can try to get ahold of Ni... I mean, the person she was hanging out with." 

Carson: "Do that." Lily got on her phone. 

Lily: "Nic, what happened to Rachell?" A pause. 

Lily: "I mean, she won't answer Carson and Jorydn's calls!" A pause. 

Lily: "Ohhhh, why would you do that?" A pause. 

Lily: "Well duh, she's gonna have it in her back pocket!" A pause. 

Lily: "Okay whatever. That's all we wanted to know. Bye." She hung up. 

Me: "Well?" 

Lily: "Nic and Rachell hiked up to the waterfall, and he grabbed her while jumping in, not knowing her phone was in her back pocket." 

Carson: "Her phone is ruined?" 

Lily: "Yup." 

~1 hour later~

Carson, Sean, and Will were talking. I kept looking over at him. Why do I always smile, when I look at him? 

{Rachell's phone is ruined and Jordyn has a little crush on someone. Who could it be??? 😏 Someone already knows, so don't say anything. (It was the person who came up with this idea) And that person knows who I'm talking about 😂 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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