A Boss at Video Games?

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Carson started to lean in to kiss me! I was panicking inside! I quickly turned my head to the side. "Jordyn! I'm starving, we should go get food!" I quickly said, while giving her a "help me" look.

"Yeah I'm hungry too! Do you boys want to join us?" she asked quickly. They all nodded. We started walking towards the McDonald's that was inside the mall and we got in line.

"Was Carson about to kiss you, a few minutes ago?" She whispered. I nodded.

"I have no clue why he would, I thought he was dating Maya." I whispered back. It was finally our turn to order.

"What can I get you all?" the guy at the counter asked.

"I would like the home style chicken sandwich with small fries and a Caramel Mocha McCafe." i ordered. He nodded.

"I would like the same thing she's getting." Jordyn said. He nodded and looked at the boys. They ordered.

"That'll be $40." the man said. I started digging through my purse and got out my wallet. Dylan stopped me.

"I'm paying." he said.

"No." I argued back.

"Jordyn." He gave her a look and she grabbed me by the arm and pushed me behind Hayden. Jorydn and Hayden squished me in between them.

"Oh my god! Guys this isn't funny!" I said. They laughed.

"You girls find us a seat and we will bring the trays of food." Dylan commanded. Me and Jordyn nodded. We found a table and sat down.

"Can't believe you. I was trying to do something nice." I said. She just shrugged and laughed. The boys came back with our food and we started eating. 20 minutes later we were done eating.

"Dylan, Hayden, and I are going to go to my dance rehearsal. Would you like to come?" Carson asked me.

"Yeah, sure." I replied. I said goodbye to Jordyn and walked away with the boys. We got into Dylan's car. After 30 minutes we were at Carson's dance studio. I got out and Hayden got close to me.

"You'll get bored, trust me." He joked, while laughing. We went inside and I sat down on a bench. Carson went to change into his dance clothes and Hayden and Dylan sat beside me.

"Are you and Carson dating?" Dylan asked. My eyes widen. Luckily they didn't see that because my hair was in my face.

"No." I replied. He nodded.

"How old are you?" Hayden asked.

"I'm 15." I replied. Carson and two other boys came out. The music started playing and try started dancing, with Carson upfront.

~2 hours later~

Wow, Carson is a really good dancer.

"Carson, we should go to your house and play video games!" Hayden said.

"Do you want to come or do you want Dylan to drive you home?" Carson asked.

"Please come with us! You're cool to hangout with!" Hayden said.

"Okay." I smiled. We got back into Dylan's car and we went to Carson's house. We pulled up in his driveway and got out. We walked inside and Carson lead me to the living room. I sat down on the couch. Dylan sat in my left and Carson sat on my right, while Hayden sat on the floor in front of me. I was surrounded by boys. They were playing some fighting game, while I was on my phone. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Carson handing me a controller. I grabbed it.

"Who's team do you want to be on?" Dylan asked me.

"I don't care." I replied.

"She can be on my team. I'll help you start out, so you won't die constantly." Hayden said. I laughed.

"You guys are going down!" Carson said with determine in his voice.

"Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I don't play video games," I said. They looked at me shocked.

"I have an older brother, who is obsessed with this game." I informed. We started into the game and I was killing Dylan and Carson like crazy. Hayden an I was in the lead by 6 kills and there was 20 seconds left in the game. Hayden and I finally won and I smirked at Dylan and Carson. Hayden started laughing like crazy.

"I'm glad she was in my team!" Hayden said happily. I high fived Hayden. I looked at the clock and realized it was 9:30 pm.

"Oh crap, I need to be home! It's a school night!" I said. The boys got up instantly.

"I'll drive you home!" Dylan offered. I nodded.

"Bye Hayden, bye Carson." I said, while walking out the door. I got into Dylan's car.

~10 minutes later~

"Thank you so much!" I said.

"No problem." He smiled. I got out and went inside. I went up to my room and got into my pjs. I got in my bed and sat my phone in my nightstand. I heard it buzz and quickly looked at the message. "You're probably asleep, but I love you and your the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. Have a good night sleep and I hope this puts a smile on your face when you wake up :)"  I smiled at it, but I didn't look at who sent it. I'll just look at it tomorrow. I dozed off to sleep.

{Who do you guys think sent the message??? Hope you enjoyed the chapter!}

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