Dance Rehearsal

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*Picture of Liam*

Rachell's POV
1 week later.
Jordyn and I arrived at this studio. We walked in and got greeted by Melanie.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Good morning."

"Looking for someone?" She asked.

"Liam Scott." Melanie pointed to a dance room.

"Thank you." She smiled. We walked to the dance room. I saw Liam talking to a man.

"There they are!" Liam yelled out, happily.

"Hey Li!"

Guess what!"

"What?" Jordyn asked.

"You know how we put "Problem" on iTunes?" He asked.


"It's number 1!" He showed me his phone. I stood there shocked. How is this happening?! Jordyn and I started screaming.

"Okay calm down, again." We laughed.

"How is this possible?!" I asked.

"You guys are talented! That's how it's possible!"

"Just think, if this got number one, what if your EP becomes number one on the Billboard Charts?! Like Justin Bieber!"

"That would be so amazing!"

"I want you guys to meet Chad. Rachell, he will be your dance choreographer," he said, pointing to Chad.

"Nice to meet you Chad." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. And you must be.."


"Nice. Alright let's get start working on the dance routine for Problem."

"This is basically for the music video. But it'll come in handy when you perform," Liam informed.


~5 hours later~

"Okay, I think we got this down. Let's do it for real this time. Bring in the dancers!" Chad yelled, excited. Liam opened the door and four guys and two girls came in.

"This is Kota, Victor, Owen, Sean, Ashley, and Marie. Your backup dancers." Chad started playing the music.

~4 minutes later~

"Great rehearsal guys!" Chad said.

"That was fun!"

"I got a call about having an interview," Liam stated.

"Oh my god, who is it?!" I asked.

"The Ellen Show."

"Oh my god! I love her!"

"You will also be performing Problem."

"Oh my god, thank you for making this happen!"

"Nothing to thank." I quickly went to my bag. I took out my phone and called Carson.

He picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello."

"Guess what!"


"My single, Problem is number one on iTunes and I'll be on The Ellen Show!"

"Oh my gosh, congratulations!"

"I know, I'm super excited!"

"I keep playing your song over andover again. It's so amazing!"

"Aww thanks."

"Did you see what was on the news about Nathan?"


"I hope those two people who disappeared, is okay."

"Carson, I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Those two people was me and Dylan." It was a long silence.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. How did you guys escape the shark and Nathan didn't?" I told him everything that happened.

"Wow, that's crazy."

"I know," I said, as I saw Jordyn signaling that she was hungry. Oh my gosh, I love this girl! "Well, I have to go. Jordyn wants to get food."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye and I can't wait for you to come back!"

"Bye and me too. I miss you so much, that I'm hallucinating your face everywhere I go."

I blushed. "Aww."

"See ya later."

"Bye." I hung up and followed Jordyn to get some lunch.

{Sorry it is short. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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