Laser Tag

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Rachell's POV

I sat on the couch watching tv with Jordyn and my mom.

"There's nothing good on," Jordyn groaned, while flipping through the channels.

"Then give me the remote. I want to watch the news," my mom said. Jordyn handed my mom the remote. I got out my phone and got on Instagram. Jordyn started taking selfies and of course, I got in them with her.

"We look hot," Jordyn stated.

"Yeah we do," We both laughed. All of a sudden my mom gasped.

"What?" I asked, taking a glance at the tv.

"A boy died by a shark at Malibu Beach. The owner of the jet skis says he was with two other people but they suddenly disappeared. People are wondering if they were eaten by the shark too," The reporter lady walked up to the man. The camera switched over to the man who owned the jet. "The two other people was a girl and a boy. The boy who died didn't come with them, but when they got into the water they started hanging out I guess."

"Thank you. We will have more details later," the lady stated. My mom turned off the tv. I stared at the blank tv. Oh my god, Nathan died! I seriously thought he would he survived because 1/5 people get attacked by sharks and they usually make it. Apparently not Nathan...

"I hope those two people who was with him, is okay," my mom said.

"Mom, those two people were me and Dylan," I informed.

"Oh my god," she hugged me. "Thank God you guys are alive and okay."

~1 day later~

Dylan, Hayden, Nic, Lily, Jordyn, my mom, and I arrived at the laser tag place. "How many rounds do you guys want to do?" the lady asked.

"Let's do three rounds!" Lily said.

"Okay, and there's six of you. So that would be (whatever the price is)." My mom paid and we went into the mission briefing room. Well, that's what the sign said. We were joined with other people and the man told us the rules. He put us on teams, which ended up as 5 against 5. Nic, Hayden, and I got on the blue team with two girls. We put on our vests and grabbed our laser guns.

"Me and Hayden will protect the base. You three girls shoot at the people and try to get in the red team's base to get more points," Nic stated. We nodded and got into our positions. The robotic lady counted down from three. The girls and I ran and split up. I went up the ramp and saw Dylan. I sneaked up behind him. I shot his back and his light went out.

"Dang it! Who shot me?!" he yelled out. I did a front roll and hid behind a wall. For his back, I got 100 points. I walked backwards away from Dylan, when I ran into someone. I quickly turned around and saw Lily. She quickly shot me in the shoulder. My light went off and my gun wouldn't work for 4 seconds.

~2 hours later~

"That was a blast!" Jordyn cheered.

"I know right?!"

"Wanna go to the arcade?" Hayden asked.

"Yes!" We all went to the arcade and had fun.

"Rachell, Wanna play air hockey with me?" Hayden asked me.

"Sure!" We walked to the air hockey table. For the rest of the day, we played games and had pizza.

{Sorry it wasn't that good. In chapter 45, something amazing is going to happen. Hint, hint... Has to do with a boy we all love. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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