I Thought We Would Last Forever

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Carson's POV
I called Rachell 22 times and sent 15 text messages, why won't she pick up and reply back?

"Trevor, have you seen Rachell anywhere? She won't answer any of my calls." I asked.

"Yeah, they left about 30 minutes ago." he replied.

"What? Why didn't she say goodbye?"

"Because Jordyn rushed them out of here. She probably didn't have time too."

"Why would Jordyn rush them?"

"Don't know."

"Alright guys, we have to go to Stanhope right now." Johnny said. If I only knew why she was ignoring me.

Madison's POV
Why did Carson look at me like I was a crazy person when I kissed him? I thought he had a huge crush on me, well that's what Nathan said...

Rachell's POV

~8 days later~

I sat on my bed looking at my photos of Carson. I thought he would never break my heart. Did he not think someone would not take a pic? My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID. It was Jordyn.


"How are you doing?" she asked.

"Not so good."

"How about you come with me and the guys and we hang out. Just to get your mind off of things."


"Great, I'm outside your door right now."

"What? How did you know that I would've said yes?"

"I know you too well. Now come on."

I hung up and went down stairs. I opened the door and I saw Jordyn, Dylan, Nic, and Hayden.

"Why do you look like you've been crying?" Dylan asked.

"Because I have been."

"What happened?" Hayden asked, putting his arm around me.

"Carson kissed another girl." I replied. Everyone stood there shocked except for me and Jordyn.

"Let's just go." I said. We walked to Dylan's car and got in.

"He's my best friend, I know he wouldn't have done that." Hayden said. I got out my phone and showed him the pic.

"Okay, he's a jerk for that."

"Yeah, but who's the girl?" Nic asked.

"Don't know."

"Is he dating another girl?" Hayden asked.

"Probably." I said with sadness in my voice. My phone started ringing and Hayden answered it.

"Oops, I accidentally hit the answer button." Hayden said.

"It's fine." I said, taking the phone from him.

"No, do-."


"You picked up, why have you been ignoring me?" I froze after hearing his voice. I wanted to talk, but the words got trapped.

"Hello? Rachell are you there?" I finally got the words out.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't have seen the picture? I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me. I'm sorry but we're done, goodbye." I hung up the phone.

Carson's POV

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't have seen the picture? I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me. I'm sorry but we're done, goodbye." She hung up the phone. I would never hurt her and what picture? I quickly called her back.

"This is Rachell,"

"Listen, I would never, ever hurt yo-."

"Sorry I didn't answer, I promise I'll call you back when I have the chance. Just leave me a message. Well, bye I guess." She giggled at the end. That giggle is so cute. To bad I'll probably never hear it again. I sighed with sadness.

"Listen, I would never, ever hurt you. I don't even know what picture you're talking about. Please call back so I can explain." I ended the call. I can't believe I lost the girl of my dreams.

{Rachell and Carson are broken up... 😔 Nathan succeeded his plan, but trust me it will backfire on him sooner than later. 😃 Hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊}

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