Hiking and Waterfights

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"Uhh..." I said unsure.

"Please Rachell, tell me." He said in a sad voice. He really cares, I should tell him.

"She saw Johnny's video with me in it, on your Snapchat and she said it was great until I started singing."

"Is that it?"

"No, there's one more thing... She said I needed more auto tune or less auto tune." There was a long awkward silence.

"Carson, you there?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"It's fine. I don't understand why Maya hates me."

"... Yeah same here..." He hesitated. He knows something.

"Yeah okay."

"Wanna go on a hike with me?" he asked.

"Where at?"

"Up to the Hollywood sign."

"OMG, yes!" I said excitedly. I've always wanna to go and see the Hollywood sign in person.

"Haha, okay. I'll pick you up in ten minutes."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up and hurried over to my closet. I need something sporty. I picked up black sport shorts, that had zebra stripes going down the side. I grabbed a pink tank top and my pink Nike shoes. I quickly got dress and went into my bathroom. I started brushing my hair and I pulled it into a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Are you going to actually exercise!" Luke said, while laughing.

"Yes and I've exercised a lot of times." I said defensively.



"How am I a jerk?"

"You don't believe me."

"Okay I guess I believe you. And where are you going to exercise?"

"I'm going on a hike with a friend."


"No, Carson."

"Another freakin' boy!?"

"He's younger than me, calm down!"

"How old exactly?"


"Oh." The doorbell rang.

"That's him, bye." I said.

"Bye." I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hey." He kept staring.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." I teased.

"Oh sorry it's just, wow you look beautiful."

"Thanks I guess." We walked to his car and got in.

~30 minutes later~

"Omg, the view up here is beautiful!" I said stunned.

"Yeah it is, but I've seen things more beautiful." Carson said.

"What could be beautiful than this?" I asked.

"You" he mumbled quietly, but I still caught it.

"Okay guys, you should get a pic of hanging onto the Hollywood sign." Jackson said.

"Omg yea!" I said. Me and Carson hung from the sign and Jackson toke a picture of us.

"I'll send it to both of you." Jackson informed.  We nodded.

~30 minutes later~

"Wanna get some Starbucks?" Carson asked.

"Yeah." I replied.  We pulled into Starbucks parking lot. We went inside and got our Italian sodas.

"Let's sit over there." He pointed to the exact same seat we sat before, when Maya took him away.

"Umm, how about we just leave?"I asked.

"okay... uhh sure." We exited Starbucks and got back into his car. The whole ride was silent and awkward. We drove back to his apartment.

"Man, it's hot out today." Carson said, while wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"I know, dude I know what we can do to cool off!" Jackson said.

"What?" Jackson went to a shed and came back with three water guns.

"Dude, yes!" Carson said excitedly. Jackson handed me a water gun and Carson a water gun.

"Let's do this!" Carson said. We started squirting everywhere! Carson and Jackson started teaming up on me.

"Oh my god, guys this is so unfair!" I laughed.

"She's right." Jackson said. They stopped. Jackson gave me the look and I knew exactly what he meant. Jackson and I started squirting Carson. We were all laughing when my phone started ringing. 

"I'll be back." I said. They nodded and started squirting each other. I picked up my phone and looked at the Caller ID. Blocked number? I answered.

"I'm watching you and I know Carson loves you and you know that too. So I would suggest to say that you don't want to be friends or more with him anymore. Or I will tell him, your choice." a voice said. The line went dead. Oh my god...

{Who do you think gave her the call and what does Carson know? Hope you enjoyed the chapter!}

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