Music Videos and Pranks

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Rachell's POV 

Me: "Corey?" I asked in shock. 

Corey: "Yeah." 

Me: "You act?" 

Corey: "Yeah, remember I said that I love to act when we introduced ourselves in TV Production class." 

Me: "Oh right." 

Max: "Okay, let's go over what's happening in the video." We turned to face him. 

Max: "Rachell and Corey are boyfriend and girlfriend, and we will have them go on this big date. They will go to different places. So you two have to act like you love each other. Make it look realistic." No dip, Sherlock. We aren't idiots, I think we know that we have to act like we're in love if "we're boyfriend and girlfriend." 

Max: "Okay, so the order is starting with you two walking on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, going to Pazzo Gelato, and then end the night by going to the beach." 

Corey: "What's Pazzo Gelato?" 

Me: "An ice cream place." 

Corey: "Oh cool." 

Max: "Alright let's go." 

~2 hours later~

We arrived back at the studio. That wasn't bad at all. At the ice cream place, I accidentally got ice cream on Corey's nose. 

Max: "Let's shoot the last scene for today. Put the lights on setting 3." The lights went dim. 

Max: "You two, stand in front of the white screen." I stopped texting Carson and put away my phone. Corey and I walked over and stood in front of the big white screen. 

Max: "Turn on the different color lights." Multi-color lights shined on us. 

Max: "Is the flower petals ready?" 

Man: "Yes." He called from above us. Oh god, please don't tell me that this scene is when we ki- 

Max: "Okay Rachell and Corey, lean in and kiss." Well, that answered my thought. Corey moved closer to me. 

Max: "Cue the flower petals!" He called. The flower petals started to fall on us. Max: "Corey lean in and kiss her." 

Carson's POV

I walked into the apartment and laid down my bags on my bed. I felt my phone buzz. I took it out and saw Rachell sent me a text. I opened up the message, "Hey, I saw ur video! It was amazing! 😍😘" I smiled. 

Me- "Thanks babe! Can't wait to see ur beautiful face tonight. 😘 Speaking of, r u back?" 

Rachell- "Yup." 

Me- "K, do u want to hang out?" 

Rachell- "Yeah sure, when do u want to meet up?" 

Me- "How about now?" 

Rachell- "Can't, I'm filming. How about in an hour?" 

Me- "Sure, see ya then. Love you 😘" 

Rachell- "I love you too ❤️" Wonder what she's filming? I should give her a surprise visit like she did with me. I just won't bring water guns and soak her. I chuckled at the thought of that memory. 

Me: "Hey mom, could you drive me to the studio Rachell is filming at?" 

Mom: "Sure."

~10 minutes later~

Mom: "You want me to wait for you?" 

Me: "Nah it's okay. Rachell will drive me back." 

Mom: "Alright, have fun." She waved goodbye and drove off. I walked into the building. When I got to the main part, I saw Rachell and Corey standing in the dim light with multi-color lights shining on them. Is this a TV production project? I saw Liam standing in a corner. Wait is this a music video? 

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