Kiss, Marry, Kill

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Rachell's POV 

~1 day later~

School was fun today. I presented my video that was with Matt, and I got a 100. In intensive reading, we partnered up to make a fictional book. Corey and I made up this teen private I's book. Where these two twin sisters, name Jessica and Olivia, are working on a case about the boss of the CEO in New York, and a British exchange student name, Chase, moves to their school who is also working on that exact same case. Then they team up, we are still working on it, but there's gonna be a lot of action. 

Dylan: "Do you see her?" He said, interrupting my thoughts. 

Me: "No." I got a text from "JJ 💕" 

Jordyn- "I just came out of gate C, where r u?" I looked up at Dylan. 

Me: "She's at gate C." We walked over to gate C. 

Me: "Jordyn!" She looked over and smiled. She gave me a hug. 

Jorydn: "I'm happy to be back in LA. New York was so cold, but it was amazing!" 

Me: "How was Beauty Con?" 

Jordyn: "Amazing!" 

~30 minutes later~

Jordyn: "Are we still doing the prank wars?" I nodded. 

Jordyn: "Awesome! I thought of these awesome pranks Luke and I can do to you and Carson." 

Me: "Speaking of that, you have new teammates." 

Jordyn: "Who?" 

Me: "Leticia and Hayden." 

Jordyn: "Wait, when did they join our team?" 

Me: "Yesterday and it was Luke's idea." 

Jordyn: "They must've done a really cool prank on you and Carson." She laughed. 

Me: "If you consider throwing water balloons at us, then yes." She laughed. 

Me: "Carson and I also have new teammates." 

Jordyn: "Who?" 

Me: "Johnny and Dylan." 

Jordyn: "You're no longer Team Cachell." She chuckled. 

Me: "Crap, I forgot about that." 

Luke: "Forgot about what?" 

Me: "Carson and I's team name is Team Cachell." 

Luke: "Okay so?"

Me: "We got new teammates remember?" 

Luke: "Oh, well our name can still stay because all four of us are beasts." 

Jordyn: "True. Wanna play a game?" 

Me: "Depends, when we play games that you pick, things get crazy and I mean really crazy." I chuckled. 

Jordyn: "Who doesn't love crazy?!" I laughed. 

Me: "Okay, what's the game?" 

Jordyn: "Kiss, Marry, Kill." 

Me: "Okay." 

Jordyn: "Your choices are Carson, Corey, and Dylan." 

Me: "Are you serious?" She nodded. 

Luke: "What so bad about it?" 

Jordyn: "Probably because she loves them all." She joked. 

Me: "Yeah, I definitely love Carson, Dylan is my best friend, and Corey is becoming another best friend." She chuckled. 

Me: "Definitely marry Carson, I'd kiss Dylan..." 

Jordyn: "It seems like you don't want to chose Dylan to kiss." 

Me: "Because it's weird to think about kissing your guy best friend." 

Jordyn: "True, but would you want to kiss Corey?" 

Me: "Okay, so I'd marry Carson, kiss Dylan, and kill Corey." 

Jordyn: "Of course you'd marry Carson." She chuckled. 

Me: "Okay, Cameron Dallas, Dylan O' Brien, and Hayden Summerall?" 

Jordyn: "I can't choose!" I laughed. 

Jordyn: "Kiss Hayden, marry Cameron, and kill Dylan." 

Me: "Whoa what?! No I'd kill Cameron, kiss Hayden, and marry Dylan. Why would you want to kill Dylan?!" 

Jordyn: "Because.... Yeah you're right, if I kill him, Teen Wolf wouldn't be the same." I nodded. 

Luke: "This one is for both of you. Austin Mahone, Shawn Mendes, or Justin Bieber?" 

Me: "This is hard!" 

Jordyn: "Maybe for you. I'd kiss Austin, marry Shawn, and kill Justin." 

Me: "I'd kiss Shawn, marry Justin, and kill Austin." My phone buzzed.I looked down and saw that I got a text message from a blocked number. Blocked #- "We need to talk. Meet me at the park. ASAP." What? Why? Who? 

Jordyn: "Who was it?" I quickly looked up. 

Me: "Oh, umm a blocked number. Wait, is this one of your guys' pranks?" 

Luke: "I didn't come up with it." 

Jordyn: "Same." 

Me: "It's probably Hayden or Leticia." 

Jordyn: "What was the message?" 

Me: "We need to talk. Meet me at the park asap." 

Luke: "Yeah, it's probably a prank." 

Jordyn: "Should we go anyways?" 

Me: "I want to." 

Luke: "Then let's go." I got up from the couch and followed them to the garage. 

~skipping car ride~

We got out of the car. 

Luke: "Do you see them?" I scanned the area. All I saw were these random people. 

Me: "No." My phone buzzed. Blocked #- "Have Luke and Jordyn get back in the car. Come alone." 

Me: "Guys, they want me to come alone." 

Luke: "Then we will get back into the car then." They got in. I walked farther into the park. I sent a message to the number. 

Me- "I don't see you." I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around. My eyes widen. 

Me: "It's you?"

{I have a kiss, marry, and kill for you guys! Carson Lueders, Dylan Summerall, and Johnny Orlando? Leave in the comments your answer! Who do you think the blocked number is?? Do u guys think this is the plot twist??? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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