Ha, I Knew You'd Fail

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Carson's POV 

Mom: "Carson, wake up." She whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Rachell sleeping peacefully. 

Mom: "Honey, get ready for Washougal." 

Me: "Okay." I whispered. I rubbed Rachell's back. How do I have this beautiful girl in my arms? I kissed the top of her head. 

Me: "Babe, wake up." 

Rachell's POV

I felt someone rubbing my back. It was probably Carson. How am I in the most amazing guy's arms? I felt Carson kiss the top of my head. 

Carson: "Babe, wake up." I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. I looked down at Carson. 

Carson: "We have to get ready for Washougal." 

Me: "Okay." I got up and walked to the guest bedroom. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black Adidas hoodie. I pulled my hair into a bun and putted on some foundation and mascara. I put on my black combat boots and grabbed my phone. I walked out and bumped into Jackson. 

Jackson: "Well hello." 

Me: "Hey." 

Jackson: "I could get you back right now." 

Me: "Don't." 

Jackson: "Yeah, I won't. I'll do it when we get back." 

Me: "Or you could be awesome and not get me back at all." 

Jackson: "Hmmm, okay." 

Me: "Really?" 

Jackson: "Nope." 

Carson: "Hey babe, are you ready?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

~Skipping the car ride~

Carson: "Glad to be back." He said, while getting on his bike. 

Me: "Don't injury yourself again." 

Carson: "I won't." I sat beside Diane. 

Diane: "Are you having a good time here?" 

Me: "Yeah. You guys are really fun to hang out with." 

Diane: "I hope Carson will invite you back here." 

Olivia: "He probably will." She said, while walking up to us. 

Olivia: "He's in love with you." She made a heart with her hands. 

Me: "Yep, I've noticed. But I'm in love with him too." I made a heart with my hands. 

Olivia: "You guys are cute. And I finally met you. He never stopped talking about you, so it made me really want to meet you." 

Me: "Aww thanks. I'm glad I'm finally meeting you too." 

~30 minutes later~

Olivia: "You're all muddy." I looked up from my phone and saw Jackson covered in mud. 

Jackson: "Yeah." 

Diane: "I just felt a raindrop." 

Jackson: "Aww it's going to rain?" 

Olivia: "Apparently." 

Diane: "You're from LA so you probably don't like the rain." 

Me: "Actually I'm from Ohio. It rained all the time there." 

Olivia: "You're from Ohio?" I nodded. 

Jackson: "He never mentioned that." 

Olivia: "Mentions everything else, but where you're from." She chuckled. I put the hood over my head. Jackson went back over to his bike.

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