Beach Football

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Rachell's POV 

~1 day later~

Luke was snoring like a buzz saw. I was laying on the floor doing last-minute studying. My mom and dad left with Joey. I was babysitting the house and Luke. I closed my textbook, ready to give myself a break. I heard the front door open. I dismissed it, assuming it was my parents returning. I felt a tug at one of the locks of my hair. I turned, ready with a quip, but spotted no one. My heart raced. Now I wasn't just paranoid. I was imagining things. I spun around to check the other side of the room. Carson's faced hovered within an inch of mine. 

Startled, I fell back a little, grinning. Carson beamed, his eyes glistening. He cupped my cheek and leaned in close, kissing the opposite side of my face. He drew back and released me. 

Carson: "Good morning." 

Me: "Good morning and congrats on your EP." I whispered. 

Carson: "Thanks babe." He whispered back. 

Carson: "So, I was thinking we could go to the beach?" 

Me: "Of course." 

Carson: "Great, get ready." 

Me: "Okay." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. I walked up to my room and changed into my swim wear. I put on jean shorts and a crop top over my swim wear. I put on my sunglasses and I grabbed my beach bag that had my towel, sunscreen, and magazines in it. I quickly grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. 

Carson: "You look stunning." He said while staring at me. 

Me: "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." I said, while patting him on the shoulder. I quickly wrote a note, saying I was going to the beach with Carson. I stuck the note on Luke's forehand. Carson smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked out and got into the car. 

Olivia: "Hey!" 

Me: "Hi!" 

Olivia: "I missed you so much!" She said while hugging me. 

Me: "I missed you too!" I hugged her back. 

Jackson: "Hey." 

Me: "Hi." 

~10 minutes later~

We laid out towels down on the sand. 

Jackson: "Olivia and Rachell," he called us over. Olivia and I walked over to Carson and Jackson. 

Olivia: "What?" 

Jackson: "Carson and I are going to play some beach football, wanna join?" Olivia and I looked at each other and shrugged. 

Me and Olivia: "I guess." We said at the same time. 

Jackson: "Girls versus guys."

Carson: "Who has the ball first?" 

Jackson: "Anyone have a coin?" 

Me: "I might." I ran back up to my purse and digged out a quarter. I ran back over to Jackson. 

Carson: "Heads or tails?" 

Olivia: "Tails." Jackson flipped it and it landed on the sand. He bent over. 

Jackson: "It's heads." Carson grabbed the foam football. Jackson ran between me and Olivia almost knocking us over. Carson threw the ball towards Jackson. He ran to the "end zone". 

Olivia: "That was so unfair!" 

Me: "Is that seriously how we are gonna start?" 

Jackson: "Yup." He said while smirking. 

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