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Rachell's POV 

~1 day later~

Liam: "Okay, we will only record two songs today. What songs do you want to do?" 

Me: "Last Christmas and Silent Night." 

Liam: "Alright, get in the booth." 

~2 hours later~

I walked through the back door. 

Luke: "Finally you're here. I'm hungry, let's go." 

Me: "Where are we going?" 

Luke: "To a restaurant, duh." 

Me: "I know that, I mean what restaurant?" 

Luke: "In n' Out Burger." 

Me: "Awesome." We walked back out to the garage and got into my car. 

Luke: "Are you going back to the studio later?" 

Me: "Tomorrow I am. I'm done for the day." 

Luke: "Great cuz, we're having the party tonight. Your friends are heading to their home states, so we got to do it before they leave." I nodded. 

Luke: "While you were gone, I went out and got us drinks and snacks. I even dug out some colorful lights and speakers." 

Me: "Cool, how many people are you inviting?" 

Luke: "All of my friends. How many people are you inviting?" Me: "All of my friends." 

Luke: "I love how we aren't specific." He laughed.

~15 minutes later~

I pulled into In n' Out Burger. 

Luke: "I hope it's okay that I asked for two friends to meet us here." 

Me: "I don't mind, who are they?" 

Luke: "Ashley and Nathan." 

Me: "Ah," I didn't know Nathan and Luke were friends. Luke opened the door for me. I walked in and thanked him. I saw Nathan and Ashley sitting at a booth. I walked up and sat beside Nathan. 

Nathan: "Hey Rachell!" 

Me: "Hey Nate." 

Luke: "Hey babe." 

Ashley: "Hey Lukey." I think I just puked a little in my mouth. 

Luke: "Okay, does everyone want burgers and fries?" We all nodded. 

Luke: "Alright, I'll be back." He got up and walked to the counter. 

Ashley: "So are you two dating or something?" She said, pointing at Nathan and I. 

Me and Nathan: "No." We said at the same time. 

Me: "I have a boyfriend." Nathan: "She has a boyfriend." He said at the same time. 

Ashley: "Aww, who's the lucky guy?" 

Me: "His name is Carson." 

Ashley: "Can I see a picture?" 

Me: "Sure." I pulled out my phone and showed her my lock screen, which is a pic of me and Carson when we played truth or dare at Johnny's house and I got to crack eggs on his head. 

Ashley: "He's cute." 

Me: "I know."

Luke: "Alright, here are your guys' food." He said, placing down the tray. 

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