Creepy Haunted Houses

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Rachell's POV 

Hayden: "Thank goodness, those werewolves were robotic." 

Dylan: "Are you scared of real werewolves?" He laughed.

~30 minutes later~

Carson: "Let's go into the haunted house!" 

Nic: "Yeah!" We walked inside and the door slammed shut behind us. 

Hayden: "Gosh, that was loud." 

Carson: "Yeah." 

Jordyn: "Dylan, you go first." 

Dylan: "No way, have Nic go first." 

Nic: "Nope, I'm not going first. Have Carson go first." 

Carson: "No. Hayden can go first." 

Hayden: "No, Rachell can go first." 

Me: "I'm not going first. Dylan, Nic, Carson, and Hayden be men and go first. Jordyn and I will go after you guys." 

Jorydn: "I like that plan." Nic: "Fine, come on guys lets go." They started walking forward, while Jordyn and I stayed behind. 

Jordyn: "Help me open the door!" She whispered. 

Me: "On it!" I whispered back. Jordyn and I pulled on the door. I turned the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. 

Jordyn: "They freakin' locked us in here!" 

Me: "Ugh, we might as well go forward." 

Jordyn: "No it's safer back here and when the next people come in, we can walk out." 

Me: "Okay, we'll wait then." I heard a bang behind Jordyn. 

Jordyn: "What was that!?" I saw a person with a white mask and an axe coming out from behind the wall. 

Me: "It's Jason!" 

Jordyn: "Who?!" 

Me: "The masked murder with the axe!" Jason lunged forward. Jordyn and I started screaming. I ran through the passageway. A clown head on a string came down in front of me. I screamed and punched it, while moving forward. 

Me: "Where is the end?!" I yelled. 

Jordyn: "I don't know. Look there's a sign!" She pointed to a wooden sign with red words on it. We ran up to it and read it. What the heck, this passageway leads right into a creepy maze? I looked into the maze and then behind me. I saw Jason getting closer. 

Me: "Let's go." I ran into the maze. 

Jordyn: "Let's go left." We turned left and ended up in a dead end. 

Me: "Crap, a dead end." We turned around and Jason was in the opening. 

Jordyn: "Where is our boyfriends when we need them to save us?" 

Me: "Time to use our strength." 

Jordyn: "What?" Me: "Push me up over this wall." She bent over and I put my foot in her hands. She lifted me up and I grabbed the ledge. I lifted myself up and sat on the ledge. 

Me: "Give me your hand." She gave me her hand and I used all of my strength to lift her up. Jordyn screamed. 

Me: "What?!" 

Jordyn: "He has my foot!" I looked below her and saw Jason pulling her down. 

Me: "Grab the ledge." She grabbed the ledge and I jumped off. I landed on top of Jason. 

Me: "Umm hi..." I said awkwardly. 

Jordyn: "What are you doing?!" 

Me: "I'll meet you at the exit!" 

Jason: "Hi remember me? Can you please get off of me?" 

Me: "Oh yeah, sorry." I got up and helped him up. 

Jason: "Did you fall on me to help your friend?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

Jason: "Cool, how about this, I go back to the entrance of the haunted house and let you escape?" 

Me: "I like that idea." 

Jason: "Have fun!" 

Me: "You too!" 

Jason: "It's been awhile hasn't it, Rachell?" My eyes went wide. How does he know my name?! 

Jason: "Did you miss me?" His voice changed into a dark tone. 

Me: "What?" Jason ran back to the entrance.

~5 minutes later~

I ran towards the exit. I looked behind me. Who was Jason? I bumped into somebody, but they caught me. I looked up and saw Carson smiling down at me. 

Carson: "You finally made it." 

Me: "Yeah, I kind of got lost." 

Jordyn: "Yeah, was Jason chasing you?" 

Me: "Actually no. He let me escape." 

{Who do u think is Jason???? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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