The Ellen Show

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Rachell's POV

1 week later.

We arrived at The Ellen Show. We walked into the green room. "I'm super excited to perform on The Ellen Show!" Jordyn said, with excitement. 

"Same, but I'm mostly nervous. I've never performed in front of an audience and national TV!" I stated.

"When I first started performing, I was nervous. But soon my nervousness went away because I got lost in the music." 

"Okay, all I have to do is get lost in the song." 

She nodded.

~30 minutes later~

The producer came in and signaled me to follow. 

"Good luck!" Jordyn said, hugging me.

 "Good luck! I'm so proud of you!" My mom gave me a hug. 

"Thanks guys." I took a deep breath and followed the guy. 

"Her song Problem featuring Jordyn Jones, is number one on iTunes! And she's only fifteen years old! Give it up for Rachell Griffin!" Ellen announced. The audience started clapping and I walked towards Ellen. I gave Ellen a hug. I sat down in the chair. 

"Wow, a number one hit on iTunes." 

"I know it's crazy. I'm literally freaking out." 

"So how did you start your singing career?" She asked. 

"YouTube," I replied.

"You did covers of other songs on YouTube?" 


"Okay what was the first cover you did?" 

"The first ever cover I did was Somebody To You on Johnny Orlando's channel. Then I started my channel." 

"Nice. Let's move on to boys." 


"Now you're young and there's a lot of young cute boys out there in the world. Do you have a crush on any boy?" 

"Yes I do, he's my boyfriend." 

"You have a boyfriend?" 


"Well who is he?!" 

"His name is Carson." 

"Carson what?" 


"Do you have a picture of him?" 

"Yeah," I taking out my phone and showed her the first picture when I met Carson on the airplane. 

"He's cute. Can we show the pic on the big screen?" 

"Yeah," I smiled. The picture popped up on the big screen. 

"Where did guys meet?" 

"At an airport." 

"At an airport?" 

"Yeah, we were friends at first. That's why meeting at an airport isn't really romantic." 

"Right well, my producers are telling me, that your Twitter said that you were taken but then it said single, now it says taken. Can you explain that?" 

"Yeah, Carson and I got into a relationship but then I broke up with him because I saw a picture of something and then I found out the truth and then we got back together." 

"What was the picture?" 

"I really don't want to talk about it." 

"Okay, we don't have to." 

~20 minutes later~

"We will be right back and when we do, Rachell will perform Problem!" 

"And we're clear," the producer said.

"Thanks for having me!" I said, getting up. 

"You're welcome!" 

I walked back to the green room. 

"You did great!" Jordyn said. 


A lady put in my earpieces and handed me a mic. I walked on the stage. 

"Give it up for Rachell Griffin!" The big doors slid open and the music started playing.

~4 minutes later~

"Make sure to get Rachell's song on iTunes!" Ellen said to the crowd. Jordyn and I hugged Ellen and walked back to the green room. 

"That was amazing!" 

"I know!"

 {Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. 😊}

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