Christmas Time

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Rachell's POV

~2 days later~

Karlie: "I'm surprised Tiffany still let us come over." She said, as we walked on Tiffany's front porch. 

Me: "Yeah." I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened. 

Tiffany: "Hey guys!" 

Me: "Hey Tiffany, we need to tal-" 

Ian: "Who's at the door?" He asked, interrupting me. 

Karlie: "Hey Ian," she said with a little bit of annoyance in her voice. 

Tiffany: "Come on in." We walked in. 

Tiffany: "We're going to exchange gifts soon, so just put them in the fort." Karlie and I walked over and placed everyone's gifts inside. 

Karlie: "Tiffany, can we talk to you in private?" 

Tiffany: "Sure, but I swear if it's another accusing of Ian chea-" 

Me: "It's not that," I said, guiding her into a back corner. 

Karlie: "We just want to apologize for saying that he was cheating on you." 

Tiffany: "Really?" 

Me: "Yup." 

Tiffany: "Why would you even accuse him in the first place? I would say because you guys want him for yourselves, but you two have boyfriends." 

Me: "We saw him at the mall with a girl, but we soon found out it was..." 

Karlie: "His cousin." 

Tiffany: "Oh okay. I forgive you guys." She smiled and walked away. 

Me: "I can't believe we just lied." 

Karlie: "Same, but it's either her being mad at us for the rest of our lives, or this." 

Me: "She has to find out sooner or later." 

Karlie: "I say later, I mean she just got into the relationship." 

Me: "And he already had to ruin it." 

Ian: "Did you guys know that we have a new janitor at school?" 

Macy: "We do?" 

Ian: "Yeah, it's a woman and she can really talk. She wouldn't even let me throw away my trash because it was against the union rules? I don't even know." 

Karlie and I looked at each other. Does he know that it was us? Is that why he's mentioning this? 

Karlie: "She seems weird." 

Ian: "Yeah and there was a dead lab frog in the trash can and she wouldn't let me see it." 

Me: "Eww, why would you want to see it anyway?" 

Ian: "Because it would be cool." 

Macy: "Okay so who's ready to exchange gifts?" 

Karlie: "Me!" 

Ian: "Me too!" 

Me: "Me three!" We crawled into the fort. 

Macy: "Okay, let's give all of Tiffany's gifts to her." I grabbed her gift and handed it to her. 

Karlie: "Okay, it's Macy's turn." I found Macy's gift and handed it her. We continued this until everyone has their gifts. 

Macy: "Okay since it's Tiffany's Christmas party, she can open her gifts first." 

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