Heading to Washington

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Rachell's POV 

Here's another quick summary on what has happened: 

1) Dylan, Hayden, Jordyn, Johnny, Carson and I had a game night.

2) I visit my grandparents in Ohio for a week.

3) I make a surprise visit to my old school to see my friends again.

4) Jaden, Jake's best friend, asks me to homecoming, but I reject him.

Now, let's get back to the story.


~4 days later~

I unpacked my suitcase and jumped on my bed. I can finally rest. 

~1 hour later~

I woke up from the sound of Joey jumping on my bed. 

Me: "Joey please stop." I groaned. He stopped jumping. 

Me: "What time is it?"I reached for my phone and turned it on. Oh my god, that is so bright! Once my eyes finally adjusted, I looked at the time. 3 p.m. I texted Carson. 

Me- "Hey 😘" a minute later, he texted back. 

Carson- "Hey babe 😘" 

Me- "What's up?" 

Carson- "Waiting 4 u to come back... I miss u so much. 😔😘" 

Me- "Babe, I'm back. 😉" 

Carson- "Really?! 😃" 

Me- "Yes! 😊" 

Carson- "I'm coming over rn! ☺️" I smiled.

~30 minutes later~ 

Carson: "I have some bad news and good news." 

Me: "Let's get the bad news over with." 

Carson: "I'm going back to Washington." 

Me: "What? For how long?" 

Carson: "Two weeks." 

Me: "Ohhhh... what's the good news?" 

Carson: "You're coming with me, surprise!" 

Me: "Wait what?!" I said shocked. 

Carson: "Yeah, I already talked it over with my mom and your mom. And you always wanted to see what it's like and I couldn't go a two weeks without seeing you." 

Me: "You went for two months without seeing me when you were on tour." 

Carson: "I practically died." He chuckled. 

Me: "I'm so excited!" 

Carson: "I'm glad you get to come and after a two weeks I'm coming back for school." 

Me: "I thought you were homeschooled?" 

Carson: "I was, but now I'm going to an entertainment school." 

Me: "Oh cool." 

Carson: "Yeah, Hayden, Lauren, and Johnny also goes to that school."

Me: "That's cool. They're awesome to hang out with." 

Carson: "Yeah." 

~1 day later~

Mom: "Have a fun but be safe." 

Me: "I will." I hugged her. 

Mom: "When you come back, I'm enrolling you to an entertainment school." 

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